LIQUID ZEOLITE: Product Summary
© Paula Rothstein
Four out of every ten people will develop cancer at some time in their lives. However, evidence is accumulating that you can potentially cut your risk by as much as 50 to 75 percent. The four main causes of cancer are as follows: (1) radiation; (2) toxins; (3) infections; and (4) consuming food containing carcinogens.
The following information details a remarkable achievement in detoxifying the human body of the carcinogens, heavy metals, toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and overall acid conditions that promote and cause disease.
As recent as August 2005, the company of Waiora introduced a health supplement called Natural Cellular Defense which is comprised of a naturally occurring mineral called zeolite based on patented liquid technology. This liquid zeolite has a unique, negatively charged, crystalline structure capable of drawing positively charged ions into its cage-like structure.
The zeolite used in Natural Cellular Defense has been used for more than 800 years in Asia as a remedy for overall health and well-being, and is on the FDA’s GRAS list (generally recognized as safe). This zeolite is now available commercially in a purified, activated liquid form, based on patented technology.
Results of the research with the liquid zeolite found in Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) are quite impressive. The following are a few of the function claims made as a result of this research:
1) Extremely safe and non-toxic: NCD is completely non-toxic and is safely and completely eliminated after 5 to 7 hours. It can be used long-term, and even children, babies and pregnant women have safely supplemented with it. And toxins that it captures in its cage are effectively deactivated so that there are no side-effects from those toxins as they are eliminated from the body — except possibly slight dehydration which is why it is important to drink plenty of water (8 to 10 glasses a day) when taking NCD.
2) Removes heavy metals: NCD has the perfect molecular structure for latching on to and then removing heavy metals (including radioactive ones) from the body, including mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminium, strontium and excess iron. Some heavy metals, such as mercury, have a huge affinity to the zeolite, which is why they are dragged out of the body first, before the zeolite moves on to slightly less reactive metals such as lead or aluminium. Heavy metal toxins, therefore, are removed stepwise, following the reactivity series of the metals — with always the most reactive remaining in the body the next to go. The elimination of each level of the reactivity series is relatively fast, with NCD taking under a week, for example, to remove mercury before moving on to cadmium and then lead. The whole heavy metal removal process takes up to a month in total.
3) Removes pesticides, herbicides and dioxins: once NCD has removed heavy metals from the system, NCD's next strongest affinity is to deadly toxins such as pesticides, herbicides and dioxins that have accumulated from our food, water and air. As these toxins are prime candidates for triggering cancer and disrupting the hormone balance in our bodies, even in low levels, it is very important that they are removed as much as possible from the body.
4) Reduces viral load: when all the above toxins have been removed, NCD then latches on to viral components. Viruses reproduce by first manufacturing viral components before assembling these components into a complete virus. NCD captures these components before they can be assembled into viruses, helping to reduce our viral load. This can help relieve some of the symptoms of viral diseases and infections.
5) Reduces absorption of nitrosamines: these substances can be found in processed meats and are linked with pancreatic, stomach and colon cancer, as well as Type II diabetes. NCD helps to neutralizes these toxins in the digestive tract by capturing them in its molecular cages before they can be absorbed into the body. The spent NCD is then safely eliminated in by the body in the normal way.
6) Helps buffer body pH to a healthy alkalinity: by trapping excess protons, NCD acts like a pH buffer, helping to prevent the acidic conditions in our blood and cellular fluids that encourage disease states and low immunity. A slightly alkaline environment in our bodies (pH 7.35 - 7.45) promotes optimum immune function, and NCD helps us to reach this ideal pH.
7) Helps reduce cancer risk: evidence is accumulating that NCD not only removes toxins that can cause cancer (75% or more of cancers may be toxin related) but can also destroy cancer cells directly by triggering the P21 tumor repressor gene in cancer cells that it encounters. Even the NCD's patent is for epithelial cancer cell destruction. [N.B. This does not mean that NCD is a cancer treatment per se, but rather that it is a useful supplement to integrate into a cancer treatment program supervised by a medical practitioner.]
8) Improves nutrient absorption: by promoting a healthy gut environment, NCD is able to not only increase nutrient absorption but helps promote healthy gut micro-organisms, increasing immunity to stomach bugs and infections. In this way, NCD also helps reduce the incidents of diarrhea, which is why zeolites can now be found in the latest diarrhea drugs.
9) Acts as a powerful antioxidant: the cage-like structure of NCD can also trap free radical molecules, making it an effective antioxidant that works in a manner which is complimentary to other forms of antioxidants you may already be taking.
10) Reduces symptoms of allergies: NCD can capture some of the antigens that cause allergies, migraines, and asthma, and in so doing it helps to reduce the symptoms.
11) Increases immune system function: because of all of the above — with decreased toxic and viral loads in the body, many of which depress immune function and interfere with hormones — the immune system of those taking NCD is rapidly optimized. NCD is not stimulating the immune system but removing those chemicals and conditions that interfere with it.
12) Helps prevent premature aging: the main reason that many of us age prematurely is due to the build up of toxins in our system that interfere with optimum metabolic function and cellular repair. By removing the toxic load, our body's normal repair and regeneration mechanisms are free to work efficiently.
This liquid zeolite product is a clear, tasteless, and odorless liquid that helps rid the body of dangerous heavy metals and toxins which may lead to disease.
Just one or two of the above features would define a useful new food supplement, but take all ten features together and you begin to understand why leading-edge health and rejuvenation pioneers are raving about this product. Dr. Gabriel Cousins at The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in New Mexico describes NCD as "simple, elegant, extraordinary, and necessary for maintaining healthy living in today's modern toxic world." It is also being used by Brian Clements at the famed Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida.
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Toxicity, acidic conditions and viral load, all of which suppress the immune system and interfere with normal cellular metabolism, are behind a whole array of conditions that plague humanity — from cancer and a wide range of serious chronic illnesses, to low energy and a susceptibility to colds and flu. Because NCD is able to help remove the root cause of immune suppression and metabolic imbalance, it has been accredited with not only bringing relief to a broad spectrum of different disease conditions but also helping healthy individuals reach new levels of vitality. Such a spectrum of benefit can raise skepticism in those who do not appreciate common causes of ill health, but the science behind NCD is indisputably solid and supports its unique mechanism of action. By removing fundamental disease causes in the ways outlined above, NCD is able to assist the body's innate healing mechanisms, bringing important and life-changing health benefits to those who take it.