ARRESTING TOXINS: The Capture and Removal of Disease Causing Heavy Metals
© Paula Rothstein
More than a decade of research has created a liquid zeolite product composed of a water-soluble mineral called Natural Cellular Defense (NCD). NCD is an all natural liquid supplement formulated using patented zeolite technology. NCD deals with the core problem of ill health by removing disease causing heavy metals and toxins. By the removal of heavy metals and toxins, balancing pH levels, and interfering with viral particle assembly, it will become easier for the body to deal with most of the underlying causes of chronic illness. NCD addresses the mechanism by which the body breaks down in the first place.
Those practicing natural medicine today are in agreement that the majority of illnesses are a result of the build-up of toxins in the body. This suggests that detoxification, balancing of pH levels, and management of a healthy immune system are the hallmarks of successful healing.
Detoxification is necessary for you to regain your health and to overcome or prevent disease relating to environmental factors. However, this is only half the solution. Rebuilding a weakened system is the other half. It requires the correct nutrients, minerals, foods and supplements. NCD detoxifies the body by eliminating mercury, lead and other toxins from the body.
The phrase “body burden” has been used by scientists to describe the heavy load of chemicals that can be found in the average person – the result of lifelong exposure to industrial chemicals. Before we are even born, synthetic chemicals and heavy metals of all kinds begin building up in our bodies as passed on by the mother through the placenta.
In a study led by Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, in collaboration with the Environmental Working Group and Commonweal, researchers at two major laboratories conducted a study on nine volunteers (a group consisting of individuals who were neither exposed to chemicals in their work environment nor lived near an industrial facility). The results were quite remarkable. They discovered an average of 91 industrial compounds, pollutants, and other chemicals in their blood and urine and a total of 167 chemicals. Of the 167 chemicals found, 76 cause cancer in humans or animals, 94 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 79 cause birth defects or abnormal development.
While it is difficult to measure a precise picture of human contamination because chemical companies are not required to report to the EPA how their compounds are used nor are they responsible for monitoring where their products end up in the environment, the above sited study does give us much reason to be concerned and certainly would explain why such a high percentage of the public are suffering today from chronic diseases. The chemicals we cannot process end up accumulating in our bodies and this growing body burden works to poison our tissues and exacerbate, as well as cause, disease.
NCD’s method of chelating heavy metals and toxins from the body is quite remarkable. Countless minuscule molecular cages carrying a negative charge begin circulating throughout your body with the ability to capture positively charged molecular toxins such as heavy metals, radioactive ions, viral particles and other damaging molecules before safely escorting them out of your system, so that your toxic load is substantially reduced. These tiny cages also, by trapping excess protons, help alkalize our bodies, while raising immunity and disease-resistance in the process.
NCD will also remove nitrosamines which result from ingestion of meat, burned and fried foods. For those on kidney dialysis there may be an accumulation of aluminum silicate. Since liquid zeolite cannot be broken down by liver enzymes, it will chelate aluminum as well. Because it chelates aluminum, there may be implications for those with Alzheimers and Autism.
Natural Cellular Defense is based on extensive research being conducted by reputable and innovative scientists generally associated with pharmaceutical medicine. The patented process by which NCD is manufactured and activated was developed by research biochemist Harvey Kaufman who spent forty years in its development and application.
The patented technology of NCD uses a unique manufacturing process that not only removes all impurities from the starting zeolite mineral but in effect activates the free-floating cages and sequesters these metals and toxins within its cage-like structure and safely removes them from the body in a 5 to 7 hour period.
It is also believed that NCD may also stimulate gene p21 uptake in cancer cells. The p21 gene promotes aging by increasing the progression of cellular division and cellular death. In fact, the p21 gene may be the master gene that contributes to the development of cancer, hardening of the arteries, arthritis, Alzheimer's, and other diseases associated with aging. As a master gene, p21 may be of fundamental importance in the function of the immune system. A protein called CD45, residing on the surface of red and white blood cells, halts the body’s immune response to foreign entities such as viruses. Such a signal is necessary to prevent the immune system from continuing long after the invading organism has been eliminated. Failure of the immune system to down regulate results in a number of diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and perhaps cancer. In summary, liquid zeolite may not only stimulate the immune system, but deal with genetic components which promote cancerous cellular growth.
Although NCD is a highly effective detoxifying agent, there are many reports surfacing as to this product being used by holistic practitioners in conjunction with other natural therapies used to repair the damage caused by the toxins. At Medicine Free Living, we believe the most compelling combination to be liquid zeolite and glyconutrients. Glyconutrients are the eight essential sugars responsible for all cell to cell communication and repair. Especially if you are fighting a serious disease there is growing evidence to support the use of liquid zeolite and glyconutrients as an adjuvant therapy to any approach recommended by your treating physician.