ESSENTIALLY SWEET: Discovering Glyconutrients © Paula Rothstein
"Glyconutritionals could be one of the greatest nutritional discoveries of the 20th century. Unfortunately, physicians and many others in the field of health care know very little or nothing about them, even though there is abundant peer-reviewed scientific validation as to their efficacy in supporting the body's normal functions of recovery from chronic diseased conditions." --Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr, director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University.
Distinguised scientists in the field of glycobiology have proposed that specific dietary sugars (glyconutrients) could represent a new class of nutrients with compelling benefits to our health.
In 1996, the 24th edition of a medical textbook called Harpers Biochemistry, first introduced us to this group of eight glyconutrients that are involved in the communication and inter-cellular function of virtually all cells of the body. Medical schools today are now teaching this science but your doctor today may not have learned of it.
Of the 200 monosaccharides found naturally in plants, there are at least eight essential monosaccharides (simple sugars) that are not digested and burned as fuel, the way we think of most sugars being used. Referred to by Research Magazine as the "wallflowers at the homecoming dance" these "complex carbohydrates are the next frontier in understanding the secret molecular messages that rule the life of our cells."
Although much of glycomics research is focused on synthetic, non-food structures - as pharmaceutical research aims toward making glycomic drugs, the drugs of the future - what is important is that glyconutrients are already available to everyone in an accessible and cost effective, natural supplement. It is all well and good that pharmaceutical drugs will be developed from this important research but all drugs have toxic elements and are therefore prone to negative side effets.
Right now, you can begin to affect your health in a profound way by adding these important nutrients to your diet to provide the necessary sugars to support the regeneration and communication of all cells and change the course of your health. This is an entirely different approach - supporting and sustaining health and wellness by implementing effective methods of prevention - than that of fighting disease which is the trademark approach of pharmaceutical drug companies.
Scientific Validation
Of course, it is not enough to be told you NEED a particular supplement. If that were the case, you would have cupboards stacked, front to back with supplements someone at sometime insisted you NEEDED to add to your diet in order to improve your health. What we look for in considering the real necessity of a supplement is scientific validation and for once we clearly have it in a natural health supplement. I encourage you to visit, http://www.glycoscience.com/ to review some of the many studies performed on these eight essential sugars.
Since 1996, a total of four Nobel Prizes in medicine have been awarded for work in glycobiology and the study of cell-to-cell communication.
From professional athletes, to chronic disease patients, thousands of people have successfully benefited from a patented blend of glyconutrients.
Since its discovery, this scientifically validated nutritional breakthrough technology is improving the lives of thousands, many of which were unresponsive to traditional medical care. If you or someone you know is struggling with allergies, memory loss, pain, fatigue, an auto immune disease, or even a life-threatening disease, you will want to investigate this glyconutrition information carefully.
Understanding the Workings of Glyconutrients
Research has shown that these eight simple dietary sugars (monosaccharides), most of which are no longer easily found in in the typical diet, are now known to form the very words of life at the cellular level. These sugars combine with proteins and fats to create glycoforms that coat the surface of virtually every cell in the body. Glycoforms function as cellular recognition molecules that communicate the messages a body needs in order to function in health.
All tissues, glands, organs, the blood, and the immune system, virtually everything in the body depends, to some degree, on these essential molecules. This group of eight glyconutrients are structural building blocks incorporated as whole molecules directly into the cells within your body and are involved in a remarkable array of biological functions. These are functions that control everything from individual cell structure and function as cell-to-cell communication and protection for every single cell in the body.
It has been determined that glyconutrients are not a diet option but rather a requirement for everyone just like water, vitamins and minerals, proteins, and fatty acids.
The Art of Communication
Let’s presume that these glyconutrients are to the cells what the alphabet is to language. We rely on the 26 letters of the alphabet everyday to communicate with everyone around us. Similarly, cells rely on glyconutrients to communicate with all the other cells in the body.
What would happen if the alphabet was suddenly missing five letters? And since these are, in fact, essential sugars, let's attempt language without the five vowels: A, E, I, O, U. To ask a simple question, such as "Would you like to have dinner with me?" becomes "Wld y lk t hv dnnr wth m?" Our ability to communicate would be severely compromised by the loss of these five letters, or any five letters for that matter. The same holds true for cell-to-cell communication. Without all eight glyconutrients in our system, communication breaks down. Ultimately this inability to communicate opens the door to disease onset simply because the cells can no longer recognize the "good" from the "bad" and therefore are unable to heal, correct, or defend itself.
For you see, cells are actually preprogrammed to heal, protect, and rebuild; they simply need the right raw materials to accomplish this task. Science has determined glyconutrients to be critical in restoring and maintaining health and capable of accomplishing what no vitamin, mineral, amino acid nor herbal remedy can do. Glyconutrients help nourish, control, and support every single cell in the body and allow your cells to clearly send and translate messages to each other and operate efficiently.
In test after test conducted at leading institutes around the world, glyconutritionals have been shown to lower cholesterol, increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, accelerate wound healing, ease allergy symptoms, and allay autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, and diabetes. Bacterial infections, including the recurrent ear infections that plague toddlers, often respond remarkably to saccharides, as do many viruses--from the common cold to the flu, from herpes to HIV. The debilitating symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Gulf War syndrome frequently abate after adding saccharides. And, for cancer patients, saccharides mitigate the toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy--while augmenting their cancer-killing effects, resulting in prolonged survival and improved quality of life.
Glyconutritional supplementation compliments what you are doing now to improve your health and provides you with the nutrients you need every day to maintain a level of complete and proper nutrition to achieve optimal health.