ADULT STEM CELL NUTRITION: Providing Not Just a Whimper of Hope but a Real Revolution © Paula Rothstein
At approximately the age of 35 the body starts to break down at a more rapid rate. One of the reasons for this decline in health is the reduction in the release of adult stem cells into the blood stream, a supply which is readily available in your very own bone marrow.
Stem cells are the very essence of life. When a sperm unites with the egg, the very first cell created is a stem cell. Also known as “master cells,” a stem cell has the ability to differentiate into other cell tissue types. This ability allows the stem cell to become many different types of cells as needed by the body and, therefore, act to support optimal organ and tissue function. Is your heart in need of repair, skin, eyes, liver, stomach, brain? Stems cells have the ability to act as a repair system, rebuilding and restoring healthy functions and replenishing other cells as long as the organism is alive. Initially, it was believed that only embryonic stem cells had the ability to become any type of cell in the human body, known as "pluripotent capabilities". Quite recently, however, it has been discovered that adult stem cells may have that same wide reaching potential.
It was the discovery of a fluorescent green protein found in a jelly fish deep in the ocean that first enabled scientists to further their hypothesis that adult stem cells may have the same pluripotent capabilities as embryonic stem cells. By isolating the DNA of the fluorescent protein and then injecting that same genetic code into adult stem cells in a laboratory setting, they could follow their trafficking tendencies by seeing which parts of the body were lit up with fluorescent coloring.
In one such study, highly purified bone marrow stem cells were genetically modified to produce this fluorescent protein. The mice's stem cells were then killed off through irradiation and genetically modified stem cells were transplanted into their bone marrow, leaving only the fluorescent bone marrow stem cells as the sole source of available stem cells. Cardiac arrest was subsequently triggered in the mice by coronary artery occlusion. In less than two weeks time, the engrafted fluorescent stem cells had travelled through the bloodstream to the heart muscle and differentiated into cardiac muscle and endothelial cells which contributed to the formation of functional cardiac tissue, as well as new blood vessels.
Further studies revealed that adult stem cells could cross the blood-brain barrier and then differentiate into brain cells. The authors of the study wrote, "Our results clearly show that adult stem cells from the marrow can gain access to the adult brain and assume characteristics of central nervous system neurons."
Based on information gathered by various scientific teams, Dr. Gitte Jensen recently proposed the Stem Cell Theory of Healing, Regeneration and Repair. This breakthrough theory suggests that bone marrow stem cells migrate from the bone marrow and travel throughout the body, providing for healing and regeneration of damaged organs during the entire lifetime of an individual.
Through these studies we have gained remarkable perspective as to the natural healing mechanisms utilized by the human body for cellular regeneration and repair as produced by adult stem cells already abundantly present in the bone marrow. This concept led the company of StemTech to develop a product which could enhance the body's natural ability of releasing adult stem cells from the bone marrow.
The National Institutes of Health lists 74 treatable diseases using ASCs in therapy - an invasive and costly procedure of removing the stem cells from one’s bone marrow (or a donor’s bone marrow) and re-injecting these same cells into an area undergoing treatment. For example, this procedure is sometimes done before a cancer patient undergoes radiation. Healthy stem cells from the bone marrow are removed and stored, only to be re-inserted after radiation into the area of the body in need of repair. This is a complex and expensive procedure, not accessible to the average person. However, there is now a way that every single person, no matter what their health condition, can have access to the benefits of enhancing their body’s innate ability to repair every organ and tissue using stem cell nutrition.
StemEnhance is the very first product of its kind, creating a category of nutritional products known as "stem cell enhancers". StemEnhance’s method for enhancing “stem cell trafficking” is protected by U.S. Patent #6814961 granted to StemTech HealthSciences Inc. of Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA and a second patent is pending.
Dr. Christian Drapeau has been pioneering the research for the past two decades on cyanophta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), the key nutrient in StemEnhance responsible for the release and migration of millions of adult stem cells. AFA is a fresh water, edible species of blue-green algae known to be one of the oldest and most nutritious foods on the planet. This simple organism is complete nutrition in its most basic form, providing the "building blocks of health". Not only does StemEnhance promote the rapid release of stem cells from the bone marrow but it increases their ability to get to the damaged tissues that need them most by perfecting their homing mechanism. Although AFA grows in many other areas of the world, the biomass that accumulates in Kalamath Lake is unique in both its abundance and purity and this is the location of harvesting for StemTech’s fresh supply of AFA.
Traditional health supplements nourish existing cells, they do not create new cells. When you take two capsules of StemEnhance, the ingredients help to support the release of millions of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. According to the New England Journal of of Medicine, the number of stem cells circulating in the bloodstream is one of the best indicators of health.
StemEnhance is a blend of two compounds which are extracted from AFA. These compounds are extracted using a proprietary process that uses no chemicals or harsh agents. One of the compounds, which contains L-selectin ligand, blocks the receptors on your stem cells that keep them anchored in your bone marrow, therefore allowing them into circulation. The second compound which is called Migratose, is polysaccharide-rich and may support the migration of stem cells out of the blood and into tissues and organs where they are most needed. These results were demonstrated in a triple blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted by Dr. Christian Drapeau. The results were quite dramatic. Volunteers rested for one hour before establishing baseline levels. After the first blood samples, volunteers were given stem-enhancers or a placebo. Thereafter, blood samples were taken at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after taking the consumables. The number of circulating stem cells was quantified by analyzing the blood samples using Fluroescence-Activated Cell Sorting. Consumption of stem enhancers led to an increase in the number of circulating stem cells, while consumption of the placebo did not lead to any statistically notable effect. Within 60 minutes of consumption, a 25 to 30% increase in adult stem cells was measured. This translates to approximately 3.5 million additional circulating stem cells. This study confirmed that StemEnhance effectively supported the release of stem cells from the bone marrow. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel in the bloodstream to areas of the body where they are most needed.
Recently, extensive research was performed by the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada, led by Dr. Gitte S. Jensen, on the effect of AFA on the immune and endocrine systems, as well as general blood physiology. The results were remarkable. It was discovered that consuming AFA had a profound and unique effect on natural killer cells. The results were published under the title “Effects of the Blue Green Algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on Human Natural Killer Cells,” Chapter 3.1 of the IBC Library Series, Volume 1911, “Phytoceuticals: Examining the health benefit and pharmaceutical properties of natural antioxidants and phytochemicals.” Within two hours after eating 1.5 grams of AFA, an average of 40% of the blood natural killer cells (one billion) left the bloodstream and migrated into the tissues. They further discovered that in some cases the natural killer cells remaining in the bloodstream had two to three times as many adhesion molecules as they did before the AFA was consumed. After a few hours, the natural killer cells returned to the bloodstream.
The health benefits of AFA have been reported for more than two decades, however, it is only recently that science has explained the mechanisms by which AFA acts on the body. The following are a few of the most notable benefits attributed to AFA:
1) stimulates the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and, therefore, stands as an unequaled natural product for regeneration and healing
2) stimulates the migration of natural killer cells, a type of lymphocyte involved in eliminating cancerous and virally infected cells, offering powerful immune support
3) excellent source of highly bioavailable Omega-3 fatty acids, carotenoids and chlorophyll which promotes a healthy heart and benefits the treatment of ADD
4) contains phycocyanin, the blue pigment, which helps prevent inflammation and pain and protect the body against heavy metal toxicity and pesticides
5) significant source of PEA, known to increase mental alertness, concentration, elevate mood and alleviate depression and symptoms of ADD
6) rich source of vitamins and minerals (approximately 64).
StemEnhance is not a product based on anecdotal evidence (although the remarkable stories are rapidly accumulating) but rather a body of collected evidence. Everyone is different so the stories are quite dramatic and varied. The body knows what it needs as do these master cells. People who have difficulty getting around due to joint pain are regaining their ability to walk as cartilage is being repaired. Patients with MS and Parkinson's are finding accumulated damage is being repaired and symptoms are lessening or disappearing. It is helping improve some individual's vision because adult stem cells are involved in eye health. One woman who used to be plagued with frequent migraines has not had a single one since starting StemEnhance. It can repair heart muscle, the liver, digestive system, and most definitely the skin. StemEnhance supports brain function, improving clarity, focus and mood. The results can be quite extraordinary.
When StemEnhance is used as a daily supplement over time, the stimulation of billions of additional stem cells in the bloodstream could be one of the safest and most efficient methods for maintaining optimal health that science has yet discovered.
If you would like to learn more, I encourage you to continue here to watch a 10 minute video overview of StemEnhance by Christian Drapeau, M.Sc. The trafficking of adult stem cells is a fairly complicated subject, however, it will be worth your effort to learn more today.

The following is a collection from research articles, science papers and medical publications that factually illustrate the functions of the body’s adult stem cell system. Many of these are described in greater detail on the website of The President’s Council on Bioethics.)
• Stem cells can form cartilage and bone - Science (the world's leading journal of original scientific research) 284, 143-47; 2 Apr 1999
• Bone marrow stem cells can form liver, skin and digestive tract cells - New England Journal of Medicine 346, 738-746, 7 Mar 2002
• Bone marrow stem cells can participate in cutaneous healing, contributing to wound healing - Journal of Cellular Physiology 196, 245-250; 2003
• Stem cells participate in the generation of new neurons within the human brain - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 1364-1369; 4 Feb 2003
• Mobilized stem cells have also been used in renewal of cardiac tissue - Journal of Clinical Investigation 107, 1395-1402; Jun 2001
• Bone marrow stem cells have also shown the ability to participate in renewal of retinal tissues - Nature Medicine 8, 1004-1010; Sep 2002
• Stem cell patients showed significant improvements in nerve conduction velocities, and showed maintenance or slight improvement in bone mineral density - Bone Marrow Transplant 215-222; Aug 2002, published by the NIH
• Bone marrow stem cells have also been shown to contribute to Purkinje cells (Purkinje cells are brain cells that science had believed are not generated after birth) - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 2088-2093; 18 Feb 2003
• Human marrow stem cells have been shown to form cartilage cells - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99, 4397-4402; 2 Apr 2002
• Bone marrow derived stem cells have also been shown capable of renewing muscle tissue - Science 279, 1528-1530; Mar 6, 1998
• Bone marrow stem cells can participate in restoring kidney tissue - Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14, S48-S54; 2003
• Repopulation of liver cells from bone marrow stem cells could take place in humans - Nature 406, 257; 20 July 2000
• Bone marrow derived stem cells have also demonstrated the ability to induce renewal of the pancreas - Bone Marrow Transplant 215-222; Aug 2002
• Bone marrow derived stem cells can renew cardiac tissue and improve cardiac performance in humans - Nature Medicine 7, 430-436; April 2001 and many more
• Studies indicate evidence that bone marrow stem cells can renew lung tissue - Development 128, 5181-5188; December 2001
• Stem cells can home to lung tissue, then participate in renewal of lung tissue and reduction of inflammation - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100: 8407-8411; 8 July 2003
• Bone marrow derived stem cells have been shown to contribute to renewal of gastrointestinal tissue in human patients - Archives of Dermatology 137, 1071-1072; Aug 2001 and many more
If you feel like trying just one bottle to see if it works for you, please proceed here to place an order. If you set your order up as a monthly auto ship the cost will be $49.95, otherwise it will be $59.95 to place a one time order.
For a lengthy overview (45 minute) of StemEnhance from the chief science officer at StemTech, Dr. Christian Drapeau, please continue here.

The company offers a 100% thirty day unconditional money back guarantee. If you do not feel after one month that you must continue taking this product - for your life would never be the same without it - you could request a full refund of your money. The odds of attaining optimal health have never been this good!
Fernando Aguila, M.D.
Fernando Aguila, M.D., graduated from the University of Santa Thomas in Manila , Philippines. He finished his internship at Cambridge City Hospital, Cambridge, MS and completed his residency at the New England Medical Center in Boston, MA. He obtained a fellowship in OB-GYN anesthesia at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a fellowship in cario-thoracic anesthesia at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, OH.
Due to a heavy patient load, I have recently found that I tire more easily, my legs are cramping, and by the time I get home, even my shoulders and rib cage hurt. I knew I had to find a way to increase my stamina, energy and vitality.
A friend gave me information about stem cell nutrition and how it promotes the release of stem cells in the body. One of the components apparently promotes the migration of the stem cells to tissues or organs where regeneration and repair is needed most. My attention was drawn to the fact that it can increase energy, vitality, wellness, concentration, and much more. It sounded just like what I needed.
Since then, I've heard testimonials from others who have experienced significant improvement in their painful arthritis. They claimed the paint had became almost negligible. I heard about patients who regulated their diabetes, blood pressure, and had improvements in cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, and even myocardial infarctions.
The improvements sounded dramatic. Because of all of their testimonies, I was willing to believe it could promote wellness in the human body.
I tried stem cell nutrition myself. After a day, of hard work, I realized I wasn't tired at all, my legs were not aching, and I didn't have any shoulder pain. I decided the stem cell nutrition must be working. I continued to take it, and was able to work so efficiently and steadily that one surgeon commented that I was moving like a ball of fire.
Stem cell nutrition gives me support physically and mentally. I look forward to seeing what the major medical journals have to say about the studies being done with this new approach to wellness.
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Cliff Minter, D.P.M.
Cliff Minter (retired) graduated from Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine. He completed his residency at the Hugar Surgery Center in the Hines Veteran Administration Hospital in Illinois before going into private practice in Ventura, CA. Dr. Minter is a national and international speaker on the subjects of business and nutritional products.
Stem cells are the most powerful cells in the body. We know that stem cells, once they're circulating in the bloodstream, will travel to any area of the body that has been compromised or damaged and turn into healthy cells.
There have been controversial discussions about the new stem cells found in embryos, but the truth is that everyone has adult stem cells in their own bodies. We are all created from stem cells. As a child or a young adult, your body automatically releases stem cells whenever you injure yourself.
That's why you heal so fast when you are younger. After about age 35, we don't heal as fast anymore, because the stem cells aren't released the same way as when we are younger. Stem cell nutrition helps all of us heal our bodies.
If you look at the New England Journal of Medicine, you'll find that the number one indicator of a healthy heart is the number of stem cells circulating in the body. Stem cell nutrition is the organic and all-natural way to stimulate the bone marrow to release adult stem cells into the bloodstream.
By taking stem cell nutrition, you can maintain optimum health and aid your body in healing itself. It's certainly a better way to recuperate from an illness than using prescription drugs, because even when a medication works, it can often be hard on your liver and the rest of your body.
Stem cell nutrition has no negative side effects. This makes it a powerful approach to healing and good health in general. I found out about stem cell nutrition after someone asked for my opinion on it.
I did some research and found it to be one of the greatest ways to slow down aging that we have.
Aging is nothing more than the breakdown of cells. Stem cell nutrition combats that action. As cells break down, stem cell nutrition replaces them with healthy cells.
This is the greatest, most natural anti-aging method I know. I was skeptical at first, but the results I’ve personally seen in people I’ve talked with have been wide-ranged.
Lots of people have reported an increase in energy and better sleeping patterns.
I've seen people with arthritis in various parts of their bodies reverse the disease, and people with asthma end up with their lungs totally clear. One person that was on oxygen almost 24/7 is now totally off of oxygen.
Two ladies who suffered badly from PMS told me they were 100 percent symptom-free within weeks of starting the stem cell nutrition. Two people I know had “tennis elbow” which usually takes about six to nine months to heal.
Within weeks of taking stem cell nutrition, both report their "tennis elbow" is gone. It makes sense, because stem cells go to whatever area is compromised and turn into healthy cells.
I use stem cell nutrition as a preventative. I've noticed an increase in my energy level and an improved sleeping pattern. Stem cell nutrition has zero negative side effects, is very powerful, and we know how it works. It's good for children as well as adults. This is the best, most natural way I know to optimum health.
If you just want to use it for prevention, this is the best thing I know for staying healthy. And if you do have health challenges, it's the best way I know of overcoming those and regaining optimum health. I recommend it to everybody.
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Nancy White, Ph. D.
Dr. White holds a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology, an MA in Behavioral Science, and a B.F.A. in Fine Arts, Magna Cum Laude. In addition, she is licensed in the State of Texas as a Psychologist , a Marriage and Family Therapist and as a Chemical
Dependency Counselor.
I've always been interested in health generally and in particular the brain, focusing on the balance of neurotransmitters. I often do quantitative EEG's for assessment of my patients. I'm impressed with the concept of a natural product like stem cell nutrition that could help release adult stem cells from the bone mass where the body would have no objection and no rejection.
I've tried stem cell nutrition for general health anti-aging. After taking it for a time, I fell more agile and my joints are far more flexible. I was astounded while doing yoga that I was suddenly able to bend over and touch my forehead to my knees. I haven’t been able to do that comfortably in probably twenty years.
I noticed how much better my balance has become. I believe stem cell nutrition is responsible for these effects, because I certainly haven't been trained extensively in yoga. Also since taking stem cell nutrition, I feel better and my skin is more moist and has a finer texture.
A bald friend of mine, who is also taking the stem cell nutrition, had several small cancers on top of his head. His doctor had removed one from his arm already, and his dermatologist set a date to remove those from his scalp. Before the appointment, my friend was shaving one morning and, looking in the mirror, saw that the cancers were all gone. They had disappeared within a few weeks of starting the stem cell nutrition and his skin is better overall. Also, his knee, which he’d strained playing tennis, was like new.
Stem cell nutrition seems to go where the body's priority is. You never know what the affect is going to be, but you notice something is changing.
Another friend of mine seems to be dropping years. Her skin looks smoother and her face younger. After about six weeks on the stem cell nutrition, she looks like she’s ten years younger. A woman who gives her regular facials asked what she was doing, because her skin looked so much different.
Stem cell nutrition is remarkable and could help anybody. Everybody should try it, because it’s natural and there are no risks. As we grow older in years, we still can have good health. That’s the ideal. Even if you don’t currently have a problem, stem cell nutrition is a preventative.
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Gerrit Woning • I am sixty-eight years old and have uncontrollable diabetes. Fifty units of insulin three to five times a day couldn’t keep my blood sugar level normal. It would soar over 300, and the insulin could only bring it down the mid-200 range. I developed high blood pressure and was losing my eyesight from my unstable blood sugar. After ten days on stem cell nutrition, I was able to bring my blood sugar level down to 150 to 160.
After six weeks, I could control my sugar levels at 120 to 140 with less than 30 units of insulin. Within eight weeks, I didn’t need to take insulin anymore. Since then, I can maintain normal blood sugar levels without medication. My vision cleared and the floaters in my eyes are completely gone. My blood pressure, which was 212/150, is now down to 110/60.
I also suffer from arthritis. I have been a professional soccer player in the Netherlands where I injured my knees. Later, in my handyman business, I had trouble using step ladders to install ceiling fans and the like. I would have so much swelling and pain in my knees, that I would have to literally crawl up the steps to get home.
Six weeks after starting the stem cell nutrition, I went off pain medication totally. The swelling went down, and it looks as though I have soccer legs back. The other day I was "carded” for my Senior Citizens Discount at a restaurant! I feel like I’m 39 or younger! My hair is even turning back to its natural color.
Stem cell nutrition has revolutionized my life. I feel like I am physically reborn.
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Sinuses and Restless Leg Syndrome
Don Miller • I am sixty-five years old and before I began taking stem cell nutrition I had terrible problems with pressure in my sinuses. I would wake up at four in the morning with my head throbbing and sinus pressure throughout the day. I also had restless leg syndrome, and terrible leg cramps. I would have to take something at night so I could go to sleep.
I started taking stem cell nutrition approximately two months ago, and in a matter of two or three days, I noticed an improvement in all of my symptoms. My sinuses no longer bother me. I sleep soundly through the night without taking anything and I also have a lot more energy during the day.
Recently I had a run-in with a colt. X-rays showed I had a broken rib, which healed much faster than expected. Within ten days I saw a big improvement and the pain was gone. The soreness left quickly and my ribs don't bother me at all.
I have always heard that it's important to have a normal pH level, but mine has been very low. Nothing I've used before affected my pH level, but now, with stem cell nutrition, my pH is in the healthy range. I am so thankful for stem cell nutrition.
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Legs Cramps and Poor Circulation
Ed Garza • I was an athlete in high school and college during my twenties. But when I turned thirty-five, I felt like I had aged overnight. I had no energy and couldn't sleep. I had horrible cramps in my legs along with poor circulation.
On top of all that, I have asthma. I gave up asthma medication years ago because of the side effects, so I suffered all these years, waking up every morning nauseated, with mucus buildup so bad that I would cough until I vomited.
I worried because Type II diabetes runs in my family. I craved sodas and drank one or two liters a day. My vision became so blurry, I couldn't read a phone book or numbers on a business card. I started taking the stem cell nutrition and right away I noticed a tingling in my legs. My craving for soda vanished, and I thought wow, that is strange. That night I slept seven hours straight, not having to get up once to go to the bathroom. When I woke up, I had no nausea, mucus buildup or vomiting.
Now four months later, my legs are mine again. I have no more cramps, and my circulation has improved. I have so much energy, I can jog now. My vision has improved so much I can read the phone book and business cards without trouble. I'm excited about life. I feel like I'm in my twenties again, the way I should feel.
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Eyesight Recovered
Peggy Zumbaum, RN, BSN, Retired • I had detached retinas and had to have immediate surgery for each eye. I was told I would never read again.
Other issues included arthritis in my fingers and back, high blood pressure around 200/100 and, for a number of years suffering from an injury in my right knee as well as leg cramps at night.
That's all gone away since I've been on stem cell nutrition. I can read again! The flashes and floaters have disappeared from my vision and the tightness in my eye has gone away. Now I'm on the computer all day long, every day. My arthritis no longer causes me pain, and I have a lot more flexibility.
I also get a good night's sleep every night and those awful leg cramps are gone. My blood pressure remains at a normal 120/80 and there is no more pain in my knee or my feet. I can't believe the energy and stamina I have now!
My hair was snow white, but it's regaining its darker color and I've even lost six inches off my waistline, although I haven't done anything other than to make sure I take stem cell nutrition.
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Eyesight Recovered
Peggy Zumbaum, RN, BSN, Retired • I had detached retinas and had to have immediate surgery for each eye. I was told I would never read again.
Other issues included arthritis in my fingers and back, high blood pressure around 200/100 and, for a number of years suffering from an injury in my right knee as well as leg cramps at night.
That's all gone away since I've been on stem cell nutrition. I can read again! The flashes and floaters have disappeared from my vision and the tightness in my eye has gone away. Now I'm on the computer all day long, every day. My arthritis no longer causes me pain, and I have a lot more flexibility.
I also get a good night's sleep every night and those awful leg cramps are gone. My blood pressure remains at a normal 120/80 and there is no more pain in my knee or my feet. I can't believe the energy and stamina I have now!
My hair was snow white, but it's regaining its darker color and I've even lost six inches off my waistline, although I haven't done anything other than to make sure I take stem cell nutrition.
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Vision Improvement
Marjorie Sons • I am sixty and am visually impaired. I've worn glasses since age ten, due to being very near-sighted and having an astigmatism as well. Without glasses, I have to hold reading material three inches from my nose to see it clearly.
After including stem cell nutrition in my diet, my vision is improving. It sounds impossible, I know, but after five weeks I can definitely recognize a difference.
Without my glasses, I can now read literature ten inches from my nose! I'm so excited! Before I discovered stem cell nutrition, I couldn't see the veins on a leaf, nor blades of grass without my glasses due to my inability to focus on nearby objects. Now I can.
In addition to my stronger eyesight, I also sleep through the night longer without interruption, have improved elimination, think more clearly, and people tell me that I look younger. I have very little gray hair and few wrinkles. I credit all this improvement to stem cell nutrition.
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Allergies and Chronic Cough
Saundra Cleveland • For over fifteen years I have had a chronic cough due to year round allergies. During allergy season, I couldn't go to church or other functions, because people would think I was contagious. My coughing was so disruptive, I couldn't sit through a meeting. Often, without treatment, I would end up with bronchitis or bronchial pneumonia within 24 to 48 hours. My immune system completely broke down, and I had fever blisters in my nose and around my mouth all of the time. I kept getting worse and had no energy at all. The doctor put me on cortisone and allergy shots, worrying that my respiratory system was going to collapse.
After three years, my health did not improve. I heard about stem cell nutrition and decided to try it and after three days, I realized that I was not coughing anymore. I cannot tell you how much better I can breathe. It no longer feels like somebody has a cloth over my mouth. I can feel the air going all of the way down into my lungs. I sleep soundly now because I don't wake up gasping for breath. The added energy has allowed me to reshape my body, because I can move around so much more. I feel great!
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Getting Younger - Vision, Heart & Brain
Stephen R. Lewis • I first heard about stem cell nutrition in Hawaii. Three naturopathic and three medical doctors told me that stem cell nutrition was probably the biggest breakthrough for science in the last 100 years.
After taking stem cell nutrition myself, I've noticed major improvements in my body. For instance, my vision has changed. I've worn glasses for driving the past eight years, but things started looking fuzzy through those lenses. They were too strong. I noticed that reading and looking at things up close had improved dramatically. I went for an eye exam, and my doctor cut my prescription in half. When I was sixty, I had a heart attack. I was very fortunate not to have damaged my heart. I only needed stents put in. Now I am running nine-minute miles and working out. I'm in great shape.
I had my brain waves mapped when I was fifty-eight years old. Neurotherapy is the medical procedure which includes mapping the brain. Alpha, beta, and theta waves produced by the brain are measured to determine whether there's been any damage or deterioration.
I was told that my beta waves, the cognitive brain waves, were at the level of a forty year old. That meant I was thinking like a relatively younger person.
Recently, I had my brain mapped again, and they found I had the cognitive function of a twenty-five year old. What a thrill! I'm getting younger all the time!
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Chronic Health Issues
Thelma Martin • I am ninety-two years young and I have been dealing with many chronic health issues.
I had been sick so long that sometimes I just wished to die. I was completely blind in one eye, and the other eye had only 40 percent vision at best. The doctors said there was no chance I would recover my sight.
I also had problems with my hands, which were curved like I was trying to catch a baseball, and were constantly cold for the past three years. I could not move them and there was no way I could get them warm. I also had an ulcer on my ankle since I was 18 that would break into a running sore every year. My other foot had great big bunions on it. I knew that something would come up that would help me. Then, two months ago a friend brought me some stem cell nutrition.
I began to take two capsules every six hours, three times a day. On the second day, I began to feel heat in the palm of my hands, and on the third morning when I woke up, my hands were as straight as a 35-year-old's. They were very warm and have not been cold since. The ulcer on my ankle has healed. There is no tightness or redness.
My legs have straightened out and feel like my old legs again. But the biggest thing for me is my eyesight: I can now see out of my eye that was totally blind! I can see everything in the room and I can walk around the house without touching a piece of furniture. I feel that it is a miracle, and I am so happy that I wish I could tell this to millions of people - especially the older people. I have so much energy, and I feel better than I did when I was fifty years old.
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Amazing Recovery From 5 Story Fall
Barry Jones • While working as a contractor and builder, I accidentally fell five and half stories. I broke my back in two places, cracked four ribs, and shattered my pelvis. My major organs were displaced, including my heart. At first, people thought I was dead, but the Lord spared my life. Doctors said it was a miracle. I was told my left leg would be paralyzed, and I would need pain medication for a year.
Surgeries and therapies were scheduled, to prevent total paralysis. After my mother brought me stem cell nutrition, I reduced my pain medication until I needed none at all. I followed through with physical therapy, and the doctors were amazed at my recovery, especially when I began to walk on both feet unassisted. I'm really blessed for having the stem cell nutrition. I am now looking forward to an almost complete recovery which was not anticipated in the beginning.