At birth, when first exposed to the outside world, the body – guided by a genetic disposition inherited from the parents, begins developing antibodies to defend against external poisons affecting the system. During life the body keeps building antibodies in reaction to most everything it encounters: cooked/processed foods (and their preservatives), chemicals/toxins in the air and ground, other environmental contaminants, drugs, inoculations, dental fillings, sexual partners, and other exposures.
As the body keeps building its protective wall of antibodies, the immune system – like a cup gradually filling with liquid – continues to accumulate over the years while the body continually must fight against external invaders, forced to rebuild and keep up the wall of antibodies. Eventually, when the body has been fighting too hard and long, and the immune system’s “cup” reaches its saturation point and finally overfills, the onset of disease (cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, or some other chronic illness) often begins. No matter what the disease, its creation began with the person’s first breath on this planet and can often be attributed to the body’s constant bombardment from external toxins during life. We can gradually rid the body of its lifelong accumulation of toxins, allowing the immune system to function more effectively and further promoting wellness in the body.
Toxicity Warning Signs
In general, you may not be aware of heavy metals and/or other harmful toxins saturating your body even though it is trying to give you warning signs of their growing (and often overflowing) presence. The body’s immune system can only withstand so much saturation by external toxins over time, often culminating in symptoms that may include the following:
- Feeling “sick” all the time
- Chronic fatigue
- “Foggy” thought processes
- Reactions to food additives/preservatives/chemicals
- Allergic reactions to everything
- Burning feet and other extremities
Multiple chemical sensitivity (highly sensitive to common chemical-induced smells from everyday scented products like perfumes, dyes, detergents, fabric softeners, and air fresheners).
These are only general warning signs and this is by no means a complete list. Also, in children, the appearance of the symptoms of autism (slow developmental progress, difficulty verbalizing, etc.) can also be an indication of heavy metal toxicity. Exposure to certain heavy metals is now thought to contribute to childhood autism.