The argument that autism is primarily a genetic phenomenon has been the dominant belief for the past few decades and still receives priority status when addressing scientific funding. However, the rising number of cases can be directly correlated with changing environmental factors, use of Thimeresol in vaccines, mercury in dental fillings of the mother, and exposure to toxins and pollutants from a variety of sources, making it clear there are environmental factors responsible for triggering the onset of this disease.
The number of children diagnosed with autism in America is continuing to increase at a rate of more than 20% each year, according to recent figures published by the US Department of Health. The figures show that in the year 1999/2000 the number of schoolchildren in America with autism was 65,396 compared with 53,576 the previous year.
It is estimated that as many as 1 out of every 175 primary school children are autistic. This is a staggering figure, especially when you consider that less than 20 years ago the number was approximately 1 in 10,000.
U.S. statistics are absolute proof of the autism epidemic which is sweeping the Western world. An epidemic health authorities would rather you not learn about. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. investigated and wrote an excellent article about the government cover-up of the mercury/autism scandal.
Dr. Ed Yazbak, a retired American pediatrician, concludes that the increase is quite real and argues that this increase can only be explained by environmental factors. He says vaccination may not be the only cause but is convinced that it plays a part.
The U.S. has an extensive vaccination program, with babies given their first vaccine against Hepatitis B in the first two days of life and another two doses before they are 18 months old. Children also have five doses of diphtheria and tetanus, two doses of MMR, four of the Hib, (for meningitis), one of chickenpox, four of the polio vaccine and now four doses of a vaccine to prevent ear infections before they go to school.
"There are definitely too many vaccines", said Dr. Yazbak. "I don't think it is just vaccines but it is pretty crazy to give vaccines on the first day of life when the child doesn't need it."
Raymond Gallup, president of the Autism Auto-immunity Project, a U.S. campaign group, has stated: "I attribute this increase to over-vaccination. There is no doubt about it and MMR is the most problematic one. Children are definitely getting too many vaccines too early in life."
It is well documented that vaccines can trigger autism because they contain a slew of toxins which overwhelm the child's ability to detoxify themselves. Being small, with an undeveloped immune system, vaccines introduce many more toxins into a child then it is able to eliminate. As a consequence, the toxins remain in the body. This toxic buildup prevents the brain from functioning properly and may ultimately lead to autism.
Ingredients in vaccines (as listed by the CDC on their website) include antibiotics, aluminum gels, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), egg protein, and sulfites. A child could be allergic to antibiotics. Aluminum can, when there is a silicon deficiency, cause the brain conditions similar to that seen in Alzheimer’s disease. Formaldehyde is a highly toxic carcinogenic chemical. MSG is a potent excito-toxin, which can cause seizures, brain tumors, and more. Egg protein could cause a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. Sulfites are another toxin which can cause allergic reactions.
The CDC fails to mention the ethyl-mercury containing preservative Thimerosol that has been in many vaccines, and still is in some vaccines, including the flu shot. Dr. Carley points out that the "rate of occurrence of autism in the last generation became self-evident proof that vaccines are the causative factor."
Of course, vaccines are not the only source of toxins our children are exposed to on a daily basis. We live in a highly toxic world that exposes a child to tens of thousands of chemicals. Toxic pesticide and herbicide residues on food, toxins in household cleaners and laundry detergent, toxic carpets and construction material outgas toxic fumes, the list goes on and on. These toxins show up in breast milk, in infant formula, and in the food you feed your infant. To read about the benchmark investigation of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides in umbilical cord blood, please visit:
On their own they are not enough to cause autism or its related syndromes, but when toxin laden mercury and aluminum laden vaccines add to the burden, the toxic overload may reach the breaking point and contribute to the development of autism. This is not meant to discount a genetic predisposition to a certain disease but to consider the idea supported by many environmental scientists that overloading your system with toxins may cause that predisposition to kick in when a healthier system would have resisted.
Dr. Carley makes the point that there is a fatal flaw in vaccines themselves that can lead to autism, autoimmune conditions, and other diseases. This is why the MMR vaccine leads to autism even though it has no mercury in it.
She writes:
"What the promoters of vaccination failed to realize is that secretory IgA (an antibody found predominately in saliva and secretions of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract mucosa) is the initial normal antibody response to all airborne and ingested pathogens. IgA helps protect against viral infection, agglutinate bacteria, neutralize microbial toxins, and decrease attachment of pathogens to mucosal surfaces....
"Bypassing this mucosal aspect of the immune system by directly injecting organisms into the body [via vaccines] leads to a corruption in the immune system itself whereby IgA is transmuted into IgE, and/or the B cells are hyper-activated to produce pathologic amounts of self-attacking anti-bodies as well as suppression of cytotoxic T cells.
"As a result, the pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by the immune system and remain in the body, where they cause chronic disease and thus further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever more antigens and toxins in the environment....
"The mechanism by which the immune system is corrupted can best be realized when you understand that the two poles of the immune system (the cellular and humoral mechanisms) have a reciprocal relationship in that when the activity of one pole is increased, the other must decrease. Thus, when one is stimulated, the other is inhibited. Since vaccines activate the B cells to secrete antibody, the cytotoxic (killer) T cells are subsequently suppressed....
"This suppression of the cell mediated response is thus a key factor in the development of cancer and life threatening infections. The organisms continue circulating through the body, adapting to the hostile environment by transforming into other organisms depending on acidity, toxicity and other changes to the internal terrain of the body."
To recap what Dr. Carley says in layman's terms, the viruses or antigens in vaccines that are designed to stimulate the immune system's response, bypass the critical first line of defense for the immune system. They bypass the immune system components in the linings of the intestines, lungs and in saliva.
As a consequence to this, vaccines do not stimulate the immune system in a healthy, effective manner and therefore are inherently flawed. The side of the immune system that is supposed to kill the viruses and other pathogens, the T cells, becomes suppressed and ineffective. The B cell side that causes allergic and autoimmune activity becomes over-active. As a result the immune system becomes seriously compromised and cannot work like it should. And autoimmune conditions develop where the overactive inflammatory side of the immune system starts attacking cells where pathogens or toxins are hiding. Thus the intestinal lining can get damaged.
Candida infections cannot be controlled. And more. Dr. Carley writes:
"The antigens present in the culture media itself [on which the viruses used to make the vaccine are grown] cannot be completely filtered and separated from the organisms cultured thereon [the vaccine's viruses]. Thus, any antibodies formed against antigens from the culture cells themselves (for example myelin basic protein from chick embryos or the 13 vaccines which now contain aborted human fetal cells) can cross-react to form an autoimmune reaction against the myelin basic protein in your myelin sheath, etc.”
"Molecular mimicry is due to similarity of proteins contained in organisms and mammals. (For example, the measles virus is made up of proteins similar to myelin basic protein; thus, antibodies formed against the measles virus antigens subsequently also cause an auto-antibody attack against myelin basic protein in the myelin sheath due to cross reactivity of these antibodies)."
Ultimately, vaccines overload the child with toxins. As a result, they may start autoimmune responses against the intestinal lining that lead to leaky gut syndrome where toxins and undigested foods can enter the body. To make matters worse, vaccines may initiate an immune response against the myelin sheath that protects all the nerve fibers, exposing and damaging them. This activity alone, if it is extreme, can cause autism. But usually other factors have to be present for autism to develop. The myelin sheath continues to grow until about age 10. It is important to stop the attack on it as early as possible so that it can grow back.
What Causes One Vaccinated Child To Develop Autism Over Another?
This is a difficult question to answer and no one knows for sure. Genetics may play a role, as type A blood is predominating in boys with autism. Someone with type A blood may have a harder time digesting proteins which as addressed later in this report, can play a significant role in why some vaccinated children develop autism and others do not.
Donna Gates, on her Body Ecology Diet website, describes what sets the stage for the development of autism and its related syndromes. In summary:
Because cultured, fermented foods are not a part of our western diet, few mothers have a healthy predominance of beneficial vaginal bacteria needed to "inoculate" their babies at birth with these vital components of a healthy inner ecosystem. Instead, many unsuspectingly pass on pathogenic bacteria and yeast to their newborn child. This combined with a lack of colostrum when the baby is not breast-fed, weakens their ability to fight fungal and viral infections. Soy formulas and the early introduction of sugars and carbohydrates feed the yeast and viral infections. While the child may seem healthy from all outside appearances, the stage has been set for autism.
Vaccinations containing toxic mercury and aluminum add to the amount of toxic metals already inherited from the mother and father. "The result is that the brain and nervous system stop functioning as they should. For most of the children who, at birth, are normal, bright, high functioning little beings, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine may push them over the edge. The measles virus mutates, the body's undeveloped immune system has no resistance to this combination of three viruses, and the gut lining becomes infected, a condition that is not detected since it cannot be seen. That is why following this vaccination, some children develop a fever, act ill and begin the steady decline into autism. Sadly, all this could, and still can be, prevented."
Dr. Michael Dym supports this. "Andrew Wakefield, MD, a prominent British gastroenterologist, documented measles virus infection in the intestinal walls of nearly 100% of the autistic children he scoped and biopsied, who developed their disease within a short time after MMR vaccination. All of the normally developing children did not have any evidence of measles virus infection or histo-pathologic evidence of Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. I believe that he did actually document that the measles virus found in the intestinal walls of these autistic children who developed the disease was vaccine measles virus strain, which he showed via DNA analysis.... According to his work, Dr. Wakefield theorizes that the measles virus infection and subsequent pathology in the gut walls leads to a leaky-gut like syndrome causing absorption of encephelopathic toxins which directly affects the developing brains of susceptible children leading to autistic like symptoms."
As you will shortly read, it is more likely an initial Candida yeast infection in some children that may cause the leaky gut syndrome that allows the continued flow of brain damaging toxins into the bloodstream.
This combination of yeast infections with viral infections, an over burdened immune system from vaccines, toxin and toxic heavy metal overload leads to autism. Toxins are one of the major underlying issues. For example, Mary N. Megson, M.D. writes:
“Autism may be a disorder linked to the disruption of the G-alpha protein, affecting retinoid receptors in the brain. A study of sixty autistic children suggests that autism may be caused by inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in the D.P.T. vaccine, into genetically at-risk children."
It is a specific toxin that is causing the problem in this case. Autism may develop in others because of the general overload of toxins. So why can't the child's body gradually get rid of the toxins and recover?
The importance of Glutathione
Glutathione, or rather the lack of it, may be the most important cause. Glutathione is a protein that is the most important cellular detoxifier the human body has available. It is also one of the two top antioxidants in your body and acts as a viral killer in each and every cell in your body. It is deficient in children with autism. This is because the body's supply of glutathione has been used up detoxifying the cells and fighting cellular pathogens. The child is not able to replenish those levels, the toxic overload is too great and glutathione production has been diminished.
The lack of glutathione means that the brain is unable to detoxify the chemicals and heavy metals it has been flooded with from vaccines, foods and environmental exposure. Consequently, these heavy metals and toxins disrupt and interfere with brain functioning and thus autism develops.
Glutathione is a protein that is produced by the body. Levels are low in autistic children because protein production has been disrupted. If a child is not able to properly break down proteins into amino acids, then the body will not have enough amino acids to make glutathione. So brain and other cells become deficient in glutathione cannot detoxify them, and if enough brain cells are affected, autism develops.
The inability to properly digest protein inhibits enzyme production in the body as enzymes are made of proteins. As a consequence, digestive enzymes cannot be produced in sufficient quantities to properly digest protein, so poor protein digestion perpetuates itself. Consequently, glutathione levels remain low unless corrective action is taken.
There are several factors that can lead to poor protein digestion. It is quite likely that most children who develop autism do so because they have some of these factors leading to poor protein digestion. Children with a similar toxic overload and vaccination regime who don't have these factors, have enough glutathione production ability to keep their brains detoxified enough so that they do not become autistic or suffer from autism related syndromes.
So just what are some of these factors?
Candida overgrowth is a major factor in the development of autism.
Of the several factors that cause poor protein digestion, perhaps the most important is exposure to Candida yeast in the birth canal rather than beneficial bacteria that should have been there. Almost all children with autism have severe Candida overgrowth so this is very likely to be a factor in the development of autism.
Candida is yeast that is supposed to be found only in small amounts in the intestinal flora. When a mother has an overgrowth that has spread throughout her body, the baby is infected during birth. The baby's undeveloped immune system cannot kill the Candida, and the friendly bacteria the baby should have picked up from its mother is missing, so a Candida yeast infection overgrows in the baby. Toxins, vaccines, antibiotics, and chlorinated water also kill friendly bacteria and allow Candida to overgrow.
Overgrown Candida yeast changes into a fungal form with legs that literally drill holes in the intestinal wall. Incompletely digested protein slips into the bloodstream through these holes before digestion is completed. It is not usable, and in fact the immune system must try to get rid of the undigested food as it does any toxin. This is a leading cause of the gluten and other food allergies prevalent in autism. The foods are entering the bloodstream before they are completely digested, so the immune system becomes keyed to treating the foods as harmful and allergies develop.
A child with Candida overgrowth cannot properly digest protein so they cannot produce enough glutathione to replace the glutathione used up in detoxifying environmental toxins and the heavy metals in the vaccines it has been given. Consequently, a baby with Candida is more likely to be harmed by vaccinations and develop autism, than a baby who has no Candida overgrowth.
Candida infections produce large amounts of toxins. They also consume mercury in the body and turn it into a form that is more likely to disrupt the brain and nervous system. Serious Candida infections can be quite harmful in many ways.
Viral Infections as a Cause
In a similar manner the viruses introduced by the measles virus (or other harmful bacteria that the baby may have been exposed to in the birth canal) can infect the intestinal lining and disrupt protein digestion. The autistic child's immune system was not strong enough to resist the exposure to these viruses or bacteria. Infections in the intestinal lining result in an inflamed intestinal wall that cannot do its function so broken down proteins do not get into the bloodstream. They both can release, like Candida does, numerous toxins into the body.
Foods Containing Genetically Modified Organisms as a Cause
One of the more insidious possible sources of bacteria and viruses that can cause intestinal malfunction is genetically modified foods. Foods containing genetically modified organisms (gmo's) have been introduced into our diets in the same time period that autism rates have exploded. There may well be a connection.
Soybeans are the most common genetically modified food, followed by corn. Infant formulas that contain soy, which almost all do, will have genetically modified soy unless it is labeled organic or gmo free. Unfortunately, the few independent studies done on foods containing gmo's show that it is most unhealthy.
In one interesting study, farm animals could eat from a trough containing gmo-modified corn or from a trough containing non-gmo, regular corn. In every case, they would sniff the gmo corn but not eat even a single bite of it.
Other studies showed harmful side effects in test animals fed genetically modified food. These effects range from intestinal disorders to tumor or pre-tumor formation. This gmo food is being forced on us virtually untested, and no one knows what this massive, money making experiment will lead too. Autism certainly is a possibility.
The reason being, antibiotic resistant bacteria are blasted along with the genetically modified genes into a batch of seeds. Only some seeds are actually inoculated. So antibiotic resistant bacteria are used to identify the seeds that have been successfully inoculated. The batches of seeds that have been blasted with these modified genes are dosed with antibiotics. Only the seeds that have been actually shot with the genetically modified genes survive because they have antibiotic resistant bacteria in them. A clever way to identify which seeds were modified.
Unfortunately, in the only independent study done checking whether these antibiotic resistant bacteria could mix with and contaminate the bacteria in the intestines, they were found in the intestinal flora after only a brief exposure to eating foods that were genetically modified.
It could well be that this bacteria could be in the guts of infants feed gmo soy infant formula as that child would not have a developed immune system able to kill this bacteria. It could compromise their digestive and immune system, and potentially spew out toxins as they could form a toxin factory in the guts.
Hiatal Hernia Disrupts Protein Digestion May Lead to Autism
Many people have hiatal hernias. Babies can get them too. Because of stress, abdominal pressure, or who knows what, the upper part of the stomach is pushed up past the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus -- the food tube running down into the stomach. It forms a bubble there as it gets pinched off from the rest of the stomach by the valve.
In adults this can result in acid reflux. In a baby by quick spitting up of food or milk, which happens when, the hernia fills up and doesn't quickly drain down into the rest of the stomach. So the food has no place to go but back up.
The Vegas nerve runs through this opening. When the stomach fills up the opening, it pinches the Vegas nerve and disrupts its ability to function properly. One of its main functions is to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The primary function of hydrochloric acid is to break down proteins in the stomach. Because a hiatal hernia disrupts hydrochloric acid production, proteins are not completely broken down and digested. This could certainly be a reason why some children lack of glutathione.
Type A Milk Protein (Casein) -- Cause of Autism?
Another contributing cause may be early exposure to type A casein protein found in the milk of most dairy cows. While type B casein protein is better digested, type A has been shown to be poorly digested and connected up with long-term illnesses such as diabetes. Some people feel it may well contribute to autism as well. Be sure you are giving your child a good digestive enzyme like GI-Zyme if you are giving them milk and make that milk organic and raw.
Human breast milk is clearly the ideal food for babies. Numerous problems develop because of the use of cows milk and soy products in infant formulas. Goat or sheep milk is second best, especially when pure and raw. Robert Cohen has devoted his life alerting people of the dangers of milk, you can see his reasons and research at http://www.notmilk.com/ and judge for yourself.
Correcting Underlying Conditions of Autism
The buildup of toxins in the brain and nervous system is a fundamental issue to be dealt with in autism. Your first concern should be to eliminate these toxins for it is this toxic overload that is causing autism. Additionally, Candida and other infections have to be controlled. The single best way to detoxify brain cells is to get glutathione back into the cells.
Unfortunately, even though glutathione can be purchased as a freeform amino acid at your local health food store, taking glutathione in this way doesn't work. Even though it can get into the bloodstream, it doesn't get into the cells where you need to get it. Years ago doctors attempting to increase glutathione levels in patients with autoimmune diseases discovered this fact. They also found that it was ineffective to inject it into the bloodstream. The only way they found to increase glutathione levels was to feed the patient un-denatured whey protein that supplied the body with the amino acids that were the precursors to making glutathione. This was a slow process and might not even work if protein digestion is very poor.
However, there is another way to approach this deficiency. There is a recently discovered class of nutrients called glyconutrients (the eight essential sugars known for their ability to repair cellular damage and communication) which have demonstrated the ability to support and encourage glutathione production in the body. There are a few independent studies that have determined this to be the case. To better understand glyconutrients, please visit: http://glycoscience.com.
Natural Cellular Defense – Liquid Zeolite/Clinoptilolite:
EDTA has a history of success behind it, however, there is a new oral chelating product that has recently become available called Natural Cellular Defense. It is the most efficient detoxifier and studies show it to have the greatest affinity for mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. What makes it stand out as a much better alternative to other oral chelating products is that there is no need for supplementation of essential minerals because Natural Cellular Defense does not pull them out of the body. It is less expensive and easy to administer.
Once Natural Cellular Defense has removed the heavy metals it begins to remove a variety of toxins, pesticides, nitrosamines, and other dangerous chemicals from the body. It also helps balance pH levels and break down viral assembly which will be helpful in addressing a Candida killer. It is the most important supplement you can use and will help all other supplements work more efficiently.
Natural Cellular Defense is a liquid solution of specially processed liquid zeolite. Zeolite is a mineral with a negative ionic charge that attracts the positively charged heavy metals, toxins and free radicals to it. It traps them in its cage-like structure and takes them out of the body with no overload on the body's detoxification system.
Natural Cellular Defense uses a zeolite that has undergone a patented process where the zeolite is heated, cleansed of all toxins it picked up when it was in the ground, calcium, magnesium and potassium are added to it in very small quantities, and then it is cooled. A four-day process. This process keeps the zeolite at a small size because it keeps it from stacking up. It is suspended in a liquid to further prevent stacking.
Consequently, research shows that 60% of the zeolite in NCD goes into the bloodstream where it does its job of detoxifying before it is excreted through the urine. 40% is eliminated through the bowels meaning it was useful in detoxifying the intestinal tract. Studies show complete elimination from the body in a 5 to 7 hour period. It is taken 3 times each day at 6 hour intervals to keep the product active in the body and will take anywhere from 1 month to 6 months (depending on level of toxicity).
Not only is liquid zeolite a very potent heavy metal and chemical detoxifier but also it has unique anti-viral properties. A virus is too big to be captured by it, but when a virus replicates it splits into viral particles. Liquid zeolite attracts and captures viral particles. This prevents the virus from replicating and thus kills viruses - another major issue in autism. It also has remarkable cancer fighting abilities too.
Liquid zeolite is very good at what it does. It tends to work fast and is completely safe. You can use as much as you want with no harmful side effects. We have heard reports of it helping to improve autism in less than one week. While an adult may take 15 or 16 drops three times a day for therapeutic use, about 4 bottles a month, a child might only need 5 drops three times a day, a bottle or a bit more a month. We recommend starting very, very low and then increasing the dose slowly for the first few weeks. The reason for this is because children with autism carry a very heavy toxic load, much more than any other disease process. The product cannot harm them because it is completely safe, however, the low dose is recommended to insure the child's comfort. Some customers have informed me of reoccurring rashes and dry hands but dropping the dose and than increasing after the child shows tolerance has seemed to help.
Chester & Christine Green:
This is again, another relatively inexpensive and powerful detoxifier and viral killer that can only be of benefit to someone with autism.
If funds were very tight, the most affordable detoxifier would be the Environmental Detox Clay Bath Kit. A $49 kit will last for 10 weeks for an adult with health issues and twice that long or more for a child. It is well worth using in addition to glyconutrients, transfer factors, Natural Cellular Defense, and/or Ultra Detox if you can afford to do more.
Special, low-aluminum, bentonite clay is the basis of the bath. Herbs that focus on pulling out many of the toxins found in vaccines are mixed with this clay. It is stirred or mixed into bath water or footbath water. You lie in the water or put your feet in the water. The clay creates a negative ionic charge in the water that pulls positively charged toxins and heavy metals out of the body through the skin. It is best used with other detoxifiers and chelators that can work to pull the heavy metals out of the organs where they are stored.
Because toxicity is such a major issue in autism, it makes sense to detoxify in several different ways, especially when some of these detoxifiers will also attack viruses and other pathogens. Some autistic children will have remarkably quick improvements using these detoxifiers. Others may take longer because for them the underlying cause may be an autoimmune response for a vaccine induced out of balance immune system that is the destroying myelin sheath and creating a slew of allergic responses in the body. Let's deal with that next.
Turning Off Auto-Immune Response In Autism
In this section we are going to cover a product that has strong and effective immune system modulation effects called transfer factors. They are able to turn down the autoimmune causing B cell antibodies and increase the viral fighting T cell immune response. If you can obtain a letter from your doctor recommending transfer factors (and this should not be a problem for a patient with autism), historically Blue Cross Blue Shield has been known to reimburse its participants for cost. Please contact info@medicinefreeliving.com for the details.
Dr. Rob Robertson describes transfer factors’ function as follows:
"Transfer factors are tiny protein molecules that are produced by immune cells called T-cells. It allows the immune system to remember conditions for which immunity has already been established. When a person has been infected, for example, with chicken pox in childhood, their body develops a memory of that illness, and prevents the person from becoming re-infected with it later in life. In the future, the specific immune transfer factor molecule for chicken pox will endow the immune system with the exact ‘blueprint’ of what chicken pox looks like, and the body will be able to quickly recognize and respond to any possible re-infection. Many of these transfer factors - or "immune memory molecules," were introduced to us from our mother’s milk or colostrum, which is the richest source of concentrated transfer factors known to scientists.
Transfer factors in colostrum have the sole purpose of transferring immunity from the mother to the baby’s immature immune system. All mammals produce transfer factor, but scientists prefer to work with chicken and normal bovine colostrum. A healthy cow already produces millions of different transfer factors, but when the cow comes into contact with a pathogen such as a virus, it produces a new transfer factor for that specific virus or pathogen. For individuals challenged by specific pathogens, supplementation with the appropriate transfer factor molecule may provide the ‘missing link,’ thereby allowing the immune system to target and destroy the offending pathogen, and mitigate the symptoms of the disease."
In a landmark study, Dr. H. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. found that of 22 Autistic children, 21 improved significantly and 10 were considered to be recovered and mainstreamed in their schools following Transfer Factor treatment. After the treatment was discontinued, some showed regression, but none returned to their prior baseline levels. Dr. Fudenberg used the lymphocyte based Transfer Factor in his treatment, and while these results have been replicated using that treatment protocol, they have not been replicated using the colostrum based treatment.
Dr. Lance Wright, M.D., a leading researcher on colostrum, talks about its benefits.
“The immune factors and co-factors in colostrum activate a baby’s immune system and they can bring more normal function back to a dysfunctional adult immune system. Colostrum is also known to induce more rapid healing of injured tissue.
“The benefits with auto-immune diseases and viruses are some of the most profound because we really have no other way to effectively treat these conditions. Studies show that colostrum will reduce the virus levels in the body from 100 to 1000-fold.
“Colostrum also has some very significant effects with allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, compromised digestive tract, decreased mental alertness, depression, osteoporosis and yeast infections. That’s just a few of the many conditions that are helped. Because colostrum is a food and because it is so safe, it probably should be tried on almost all illnesses that we suffer from.”
“.... In 1983, Polish researchers discovered a small protein chain called Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP) in colostrum. This immune factor was found to have the same ability to regulate the immune system as the hormones of the thymus gland do. PRP is able to stimulate T-cell precursors to form T helper-1 cells, thereby promoting the immune system into action against pathogens.
“More impressive, however, in relation to auto-immune disease, is PRP’s ability to ‘turn off’ the immune response.
“It does this by telling the T-cell precursors to produce T-cell suppressor cells. These are the cells that slow down an overactive immune system, thereby stopping the attack on the body’s own tissue.
“Further studies showed that PRP was not species specific, meaning that PRP in bovine colostrum could be used very effectively to combat a multitude of human auto-immune diseases.
“The growth factors available in non-denatured colostrum can then repair the damage done by the disease. Growth factors also work to stimulate tissue repair in the skin, the myelin sheath and other connective tissue throughout the body reducing pain and swelling, and increasing mobility and freedom.”
Lance explains that, “Leaky gut syndrome, which responds to non-denatured colostrum, is almost always associated with auto-immune disease. Reversing the direction of a disease depends upon healing the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Any other treatment is just suppression.”
I highly recommend Transfer Factor marketed by 4Life as a very potent and effective form of colostrum. This liquid form is very easy to give to children because it tastes great. There is also a capsule form that you could break open and add to milk or juice.
Avoiding Toxins
As an autistic child is suffering from toxic overload, it is obviously important to reduce the number of toxins they are exposed to. Eating organically produced food is good. As are using non-toxic cleaners and getting your house as non-toxic as possible.
Recap Of Most Important Products:
Quite clearly the detoxifiers are among the most important products for dealing with autism and Natural Cellular Defense will provide the most efficient product for the removal of heavy metals and providing anti-viral protection and is substantially less expensive than other forms of oral chelation. Not only did I effectively use this product with my child at 18 months after experiencing a very bad vaccine reaction, I know of parents with autistic children who say the improvement was quite remarkable. To learn more about this product being used to treat heavy metal toxicity as it relates to autism, I encourage you to visit zeoliteautismstudy.org.
I highly recommend a formula of glyconutrients available through a company called Glycomannan. It appears to be a quality product, much less expensive than their competitors and shipping is very prompt as well. For more information on the fascinating and revolutionary subject of glyconutrients, continue here.
Immune support will be best aided by transfer factors and it comes with the highest recommendation from members of the medical profession. I purchase RioVida from 4Life Company for my son. It comes in a very tasty juice formula and contains a respectable 600 mg. of transfer factor in a daily serving. My son thinks he is getting a treat. In fact, I mix the powder of glyconutrients and NCD drops into the Riovida juice. If interested in purchasing RioVida, please visit: www.4life.com. Here the product is offered at the wholesale price.
Natural Cellular Defense, glyconutrients, and Transfer Factor are the most critical products you can add. Natural Cellular Defense will do much to eliminate the heavy metals and toxic load, glyconutrients will then aid in cellular repair and communication, and transfer factor will educate the immune system and provide much needed support.
There is an excellent opportunity to consult directly with Lynn Hanshew, M.D., test for heavy metals, and document the removal of heavy metals from the body.
Dr. Hanshew is an expert on toxicity sources, their levels and effects with over 15 years of family practice she has treated conditions from Autism to Alzheimers by addressing the underlying poisons. For more information visit: http://www.ncdtest.com.
Autism can be greatly improved and perhaps even reversed through the use of natural products and therapies like the ones mentioned in this report. Once you understand the causes of autism, you will then be able to seek the best solutions in dealing with those causes.