One of the greatest points of confusion during recovery from a disease process is the distinction between symptoms of disease and those symptoms which would otherwise indicate a healing crisis. It is unfortunate that we so often suppress symptoms (a body’s cry for help) with medication which will only further weaken the body, making it more vulnerable to progressively worse disease symptoms in the future. It is not surprising that the idea of a healing crisis is cause for such confusion and concern. We have received a lifetime of misinformation about health that must now be thwarted if we are to actually heal our bodies. Conventional medicine is based on symptom suppression – a method which has made a large number of individuals and companies wickedly wealthy and a much larger number of individuals increasingly sick and bankrupt.
It is this author’s opinion that the current system of healthcare has failed us - pharmaceutical drugs, for the most part, are unnecessary, and even the governmental agencies set in place to protect our best interests (namely, the FDA) grotesquely conflicted. This is a system that is so corrupt, it criminalizes efforts to purchase pharmaceutical drugs from more affordable sources, has driven numerous medical doctors out of the country for practicing alternative methods of healing, protects the interests of chemical companies, and (in some instances) has ruthlessly taken over parental control and forced a minor child to undergo methods of cancer treatment which conflict with the parent's rightful choice, just to name a few of its many offenses. This is an industry that has led everyone further and further away from all things natural, the true path to optimal health.
Healing is a personal journey and oftentimes as an individual takes steps to detoxify their body – whether it be a colon cleansing program, heavy metal detoxification, candida yeast cleansing, initiating an exercise program, or even just eating a healthier, natural diet free of chemicals and preservatives – they find themselves feeling worse than before making critical changes to restore health. This process is known as a “healing crisis”, first described by Dr. Karl Herxheimer as he observed that before people felt better, individuals were temporarily feeling worse. The best rewards await those who persevere beyond this point.
For years you have allowed the poisons to rule and they have taken hold. In fact, you really liked these guys at one time! Chemicals ruled the roost, offering bread that lasts for weeks, microwavable dinners, microwavable popcorn, diet soda (because you are now on a diet) laden with dangerous artificial sweeteners that, had the FDA not been corrupt would have never even made it to market, delicious sugary treats that generally serve 10 but when you have experienced a bad day at work now happily serve one, the car with that wonderful new car smell, personal care products that have never been tested on humans, etc., etc. Not surprisingly, these chemicals are now serving as an irritant in your tissues, brain, blood and bones. These guys are not going to like being told to leave their accommodating host but given your collection of health conditions, perhaps now is the time to suffer a little if it means regaining mobility, energy, happiness, and peace.
As the body strengthens, organs and tissues release old accumulated toxins, acids and wastes. It will be necessary to give the body as much assistance during this process in order to promote the elimination of disease elements. The higher the quality of food, the quicker you will recover from disease. This release can manifest itself in any of the following conditions:
● muscle pain and weakness
● nausea
● headaches
● mild to moderate fatigue
● post-nasal drainage
● runny nose
● behavior changes
● gastrointestinal disturbances
● sleep disturbance
There is also the process of reverse visitation wherein the body actually re-visits old health conditions, however, this time in reverse order of the original presentation of those symptoms. Sort of like your life flashing before your eyes when faced with a potentially fatal situation, apparently the body needs to re-visit each of these horrors before releasing them from the body like ghosts to the wind.
The bottom line is that you must now address all that you once tried to avoid. Whatever has been suppressed in the body for years must be eliminated and, although unpleasant, the process is necessary and lasts anywhere from a few days for the generally healthy individual to several weeks or even months for an extremely toxic individual. It is not uncommon for someone who has been very sick for a long period of time to experience “on and off” periods of healing, for days feeling much better and then, unexpectedly, triggering another cleansing experience. The important thing is to sleep more during these times of cleansing and increase your intake of water (always purified). Both will help immensely with any discomforts. It will also be helpful to alleviate any discomfort by temporarily reducing the dosage of any detoxification supplements to the lowest possible dose and then increase very slowly, giving the body time to adjust to their presence.
There will be signs or symptoms that are recognizable when lower grade food elements are eliminated and more natural, superior quality food elements are introduced into the body. For example, if a stimulant such as caffeinated coffee is discontinued, headaches may occur. This is because the body is discarding the toxic residue of caffeine, which the body is removing from its tissues and transporting through the bloodstream during its many circulatory rounds. Before these toxins reach the final destination for elimination, these irritating toxins may overwhelm the body’s filtration system. The process of removal and elimination out of the body is an incredible cleansing process, one which is desirable.
There are three phases of healing. The first phase is to discard toxic elements, also known as “catabolism”. The emphasis is on elimination during this critical phase. It is quite remarkable what happens when the body is given excellent new material for purposes of rebuilding. The body will begin immediately to eliminate excess bile from the liver and the gallbladder and send it to the intestines. It will also begin to move sludge from the arteries, veins and capillaries The smelly, gassy, brain-stupefying masses that have been building up in a body can now be eliminated. Arthritic deposits on the joints will be cleaned up, relieving pain. The toxic residue from irritating food preservatives, pharmaceutical drugs, tobacco, caffeine, etc., which have burdened the body for such a long time will now be eliminated.
During the second phase, the body must go through a process of decompensation, as organs and tissues readjust, one can experience discomfort. The body acts as a whole unit. When a part of the body does not work properly, the whole body adapts or compensates. Consequently, when true wellness takes place, the body now must begin to change direction and focus. During this phase, waste materials will be discarded more rapidly than new tissue can be made from the quality food and nutrients being supplied to the body. The rowdy ruler of your internal house is not out yet but for the first time in a while your body is fighting back against the insidious corruption which has dominated for years and years, ushering in the third phase, known as “anabolism”.
During the third phase, most of the wastes will have been discarded and emphasis is on rebuilding strong tissues and bones. Imagine anabolism as the rebuilding of society after a war has thankfully ended. Tediously necessary! As your body becomes more healthy, even if you become sick, illness should be shorter in duration followed by increasingly longer periods of wellness. If you continue what you have been doing, you will have taken back the house and the internal conflict which has plagued you, possibly for many years, will greatly weaken. Continue what you are doing and soon this nasty inhabitant will be something of the past, like a bad relationship you had the necessary will to end.
Like all difficult situations, sometimes it is better to tackle the biggest problems with a little help from your friends, or in this case health supplements. Just as varied as your path to ill health once was, there are a myriad of methods possible in aiding your recovery. Advice is as thick as the Bible but possibly as simple as a few good things and a shift in your daily habits from bad to good. Stop putting into the body the things that made it sick in the first place and begin putting into the body healthy, natural food and drink.
Nearly everyone needs to work with a good heavy metal detoxifier in the first four to eight weeks for any type of detoxification program to be successful. I recommend a liquid zeolite product called Natural Cellular Defense manufactured by Waiora because it has the ability to trap the toxins and heavy metals inside its “cage-like” structure and remove the offending irritant from the body through both urine and bowel movements. Without it, you have a free floating toxin that has been scared up by your better habits but not encapsulated properly. Something like dragging the rowdy ruler out of his castle only to set him loose in your woods with a loaded pistol!
It is best to experiment with different healing protocols. What works for one person does not always work for another. The important thing is to never give up and when you start a program, give it ample time to do its work before moving on to other things. If you still feel pain and you are addressing it with a pharmaceutical drug known to mask the symptom and ignore the disease, keep working on your health. Keep searching for the right path, the one you can stick to, and follow it until you reach your point of destination, optimal health and then hang out and feel very good about what you have accomplished.