Saturday, August 4, 2007


The recently released National Research Council report on fluoride now confirms what opponents to water fluoridation have been saying for over four decades. The extensive report reviewed all major studies on fluoride toxicity and concluded that fluoride was a major risk factor for a number of diseases and conditions, including cancer, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, immune disruption, Down's syndrome, low IQ in children and brain injury.

The effects on the brain were shocking, especially in small babies and children. Despite the just-released report, American Dental Association spokesmen were busy trying to force bottled-water manufacturers to add fluoride to the already purified water. I recently saw a picture from the Bangor Daily News showing small children from a Maine elementary school lining up to take their daily dose of fluoride, as prescribed by school officials.

This is absolutely criminal - especially when you consider this:
A new Harvard study published in the prestigious cancer journal Cancer Causes and Control clearly demonstrates that the present levels of fluoride added to drinking water enhance a fatal form of bone cancer (osteosarcoma) to five times normal rates when given to young boys.

This confirms two other studies - one by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and one by the New Jersey Health Department, which found that bone cancer incidence increased by six times in boys exposed to fluoridated drinking water.

So who is behind this? Answer: super-phosphate fertilizer companies (fluoride is their major waste product), the American Dental Association (and its government backers), the CDC and the Forsyth Dental Institute.