HEPATITIS B VACCINE: Should you allow your infant to receive this most dangerous of inoculations?
The following information is provided to inform and, hopefully, discourage new parents from allowing their newborn baby to receive this most dangerous of vaccinations. Infant vaccines are particularly dangerous when given before the age of six weeks because the blood brain barrier has not yet developed, leaving them even more vulnerable to the toxins contained in the vaccine.
Michael Belkin Testimony to Congress
Tuesday, May 18,1999
My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of five weeks, about 15 hours after receiving her second Hepatitis B vaccine booster shot. Lyla was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would die that night. She was never ill before receiving the Hepatitis B shot that afternoon. At her final feeding that night, she was extremely agitated, noisy and feisty -- and then she fell asleep suddenly and stopped breathing. The autopsy ruled out choking, The NY Medical Examiner ruled her death Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
But the NY Medical Examiner (Dr. Persechino) neglected to mention Lyla's swollen brain or the hepatitis B vaccine in the autopsy report. The coroner spoke to my wife and I and our pediatrician (Dr. Zullo) the day of the autopsy and clearly stated that her brain was swollen. The pediatrician Dr. Zullo's notes of that conversation are "brain swollen ... not sure cause yet ... could not see how recombinant vaccine could cause problem."
SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion .. "it wasn't this, it wasn't that, everything has been ruled out and we don't know what it was." A swollen brain is not SIDS. Through conversations with other experienced pathologists, I subsequently discovered that brain inflammation is a classic adverse reaction to vaccination (with any vaccine) in the medical literature.
I set out to do an investigation of the hepatitis B vaccine and attended a workshop at the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine on "Neo-Natal Death and the Hepatitis B Vaccine," the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) February' meeting and a debate in New Hampshire between the Chairman of the ACIP Dr. Modlin and Dr. Waisbren about the safety of the hepatitis B vaccine. I also obtained the entire Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database on hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions and have investigated it thoroughly.
These are my conclusions, supported by the following pages of text and analysis that are too lengthy to present in entirety in the time allotted for this appearance. Please read the results of my investigation, as it will help you understand the magnitude of the hepatitis B vaccine issue.
● Newborn babies are not at risk of contracting the hepatitis B disease unless their mother is infected Hepatitis B is primarily a disease of junkies, gays, and promiscuous heterosexuals;
● The vaccine is given to babies because health authorities couldn't get those risk groups to take the vaccine;
● Adverse reactions out-number cases of the disease in government statistics;
● Nothing is being done to investigate those adverse reactions;
● Those adverse reactions include numerous deaths, convsions and arthritic conditions that occur within days after hepatitis B vaccination;
● The CDC is misrepresenting hypothetical, estimated disease statistics as real cases of the disease;
● The ACIP is recommending new vaccines for premature infants without having scientific studies proving it is safe;
● The US vaccine recommendation process is hopelessly compromised by conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC.
Conclusion: If (as with the recently-recommended rotavirus vaccine) hepatitis B vaccine was recommended in 1991 without scientific proof that it was safe in a broad sample of racially and genetically diverse babies less than 48 hours old before they established that recommendation, then the CDC has been experimenting on babies like guinea pigs and this Committee should suspend that universal immunization policy.
To read this testimony in its entirety, please continue here.
Points to consider with regards to vaccines:
Vaccines are not safe: vaccines are dangerous. The evidence is abundant that the tragic cost of loading babies and children up with toxic brews of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, injected foreign protein, stealth viruses and, in the second generation vaccines, the deadly immune enhancer squalene, is unacceptably high. Lives are ruined and lost in these children when toxins overwhelm their immune systems and brains and cause tragic, totally preventable suffering and death.
Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases. Attenuated viruses (infective, weakened versions of the dangerous ones) are commonly used in vaccines so that your body will develop an immune "memory" for that virus. The next time your immune system meets that specific virus, it rapidly combats it by producing large numbers of antibodies. This practice and theory derive from the dawn of vaccination: Edward Jenner’s pioneering use of cowpox pus inoculations to eliminate smallpox. This innovative and surprising medical treatment is touted as one of the triumphs of modern medicine. It makes a wonderful story but, in fact, inoculation not only spread smallpox, it caused well-documented epidemics of syphilis and leprosy in inoculated people, especially babies (who have immature immune systems).
Flu vaccines do not protect people from flu-related deaths. The CDC claims that an astonishing 36,000 people die from flu in an average year. But according to the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson, 68 people under 65 die from flu each year in the US. The truth is that in 4 years, a total 4,440 people, mostly elderly, died from flu, no where near the CDC’s touted 144,000 deaths. While that figure is great for flu vaccine sales, it derivers not from reality but from the CDC’s industry-friendly statistical trick of classifying all pneumonia-related deaths, despite any lack of evidence, as flu deaths. Discussing this nonsense, Lone Simonsen of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease/NIH, writes in The Archives of Internal Medicine "We could not correlate increasing vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining mortality rates in any age group. Because fewer than 10% of all winter deaths were attributable to influenza in any season, we conclude that observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit."
Potential pandemic viral diseases like the Bird Flu do not have safe and effective vaccines to prevent them and there are no drugs to treat them effectively. Despite that fact, on September 15, 2005 the US purchased $100 Million of a French experimental flu vaccine designed to protect against bird flu. It’s so experimental, in fact, that although we have purchased megabucks worth of the stuff, the French manufacturer, Sanofi-Pasteur, is planning to experiment with adjutants (immune response enhancers) to rev up human response to it. Perhaps the adjuvant is the same one that the Army used in the deadly Vaccine A against anthrax: squalene. The purchase is real, but there is currently no such thing as a vaccine for pandemic bird flu.
by Tedd Koren, D.C.
Crib death or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) kills more than 10,000 babies each year and is the second largest cause of infant deaths in the U.S. (congenital malformations are first).
Its cause is unknown. Or is it?
In 1985 in Australia, Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. a retired principal research scientist with more than 90 published scientific papers in refereed journals to her credit, met Leif Karlsson, a biomedical electronics engineer specializing in patient monitoring systems. They developed the Cotwatch, a breathing monitor used for babies thought to be at risk of crib death or SIDS.
Their findings surprised them. "Without endeavoring to do so... [we found that] the babies' breathing was affected in a certain characteristic manner and over a long period of time [40-65 days] following DPT injections.... We also learned from the parents of crib death infants that most commonly the child had died after DPT injection," said Dr. Scheibner.
As she continued her research, the link between crib death and vaccination became painfully obvious -- and undeniable. "There was a significant and clear clustering of these (crib) deaths" around the time of vaccination."
To read this article in its entirety, continue here.
SIDS and Vaccination Citations.
If you would like to read an excellent book on the subject of vaccinations, I highly recommend "Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults".
Book Description: The Vaccine Guide covers each disease and its vaccine, providing difficult-to-obtain facts about vaccine reactions. Also discussed are vaccine effectiveness, toxicity and adverse effects, legal requirements, alternatives, and the latest information on the threat of bioterrorism. New to this edition are topics of particular concern to adults, including smallpox and anthrax vaccines, flu shots, and new conditions linked to vaccine reactions.
Available at Amazon.com