IN SEARCH OF THE MAGIC BULLET: Waiora’s Newest Product AgariGold Appears Destined for Greatness
We all need help achieving optimal health which is why many people turn to pharmaceutical drugs in an attempt to rid themselves of a symptom, albeit temporary and fraught with potential negative side effects. But in the area of natural health we attempt to rid the symptom without causing greater burden on our bodies because that is what optimal health is all about, having achieved balance that lasts as long as your better habits continue.
Over the years I have studied the topic of holistic health – learning about the body, intricacies of the immune system and how it is effected by the good and bad we put into it - and I do this hoping to gain benefit for myself and others. Frequently this research leads me to a new “hot” product that is perceived by the health community as an extraordinary advancement in natural immune support.
Excitement was definitely building around this new "hot" product for the past few months and finally, around mid-March, the company of Waiora introduced an unusually potent immune support product called AgariGold with H1X1, most notably carrying three patents, containing over 100 life enhancing nutrients, rich in antioxidants coupled with mounting testimonials in a very short period of time. You may be familiar with Waiora's other super product, Natural Cellular Defense - the heavy metal detoxifier that has improved the lives of so many individuals.
What intrigues me the most - and what makes me believe this is going to be a very important nutritional supplement used by many - is the usability factor and acceptable price point. It comes in a container of 200 drops and the average person takes 7 drops once each day. This makes it a product that virtually anyone can take, including children who so desperately need an excellent option for immune support. (Please note the product is not recommended for children under the age of two.) Agarigold H1X1 is priced at approximately $54.95 per bottle and considering the punch it packs, deserving of every penny.
I have had an opportunity to use this product for the past few weeks now and have to say I noticed immediately that I attained a much deeper sleep each night. My mood improved (a sense of sustained calm would describe it best), better concentration and increased energy which is saying a lot since I am in my third trimester of pregnancy! I almost feel pre-pregnancy at the moment. These three things alone make this product gold to me. I did have concern about taking this product when pregnant and it is recommended that you discuss with your doctor before commencing if pregnant. However, having weighed the literature and research available and having heard an M.D. who is most familiar with the product state she would not hesitate to take it herself during pregnancy, I decided to go ahead with a low dose.
For decades, medical researchers puzzled over the fact that the people of Piedade, a small mountain town in the humid rainforest of Brazil, lived well into their 100s and were almost never bothered by serious illnesses like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, or Alzheimer's. In fact, in their later years, they enjoyed the same vitality, stamina and zest for life that they had when they were younger.
Scientists attributed this incredible health and longevity to some powerful genetic defense, passed from generation to generation. But in the 1960s, a Japanese researcher discovered their secret - a rare mushroom native to the local mountains of the Piedade area. This special kind of wild mushroom, harvested from lush, virgin rainforest soil, produced health miracles not seen in the same type of mushroom grown in other areas of Brazil or anywhere else in the world. It turned out that the people in Piedade were eating this mushroom as part of their daily diet, even brewing it into their tea. They believed that this miracle mushroom gave them mystical, almost supernatural energy and strength.
When industrial growth nearly wiped out the ancient Piedade region, this mushroom all but vanished with it. The name of the mushroom is Agaricus Blazei or known to the natives as the "Mushroom of Life."
When the results came in, they were astounded to find that the mushroom contained large amounts of critical nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, fibers and beta glucans.
"Beta glucans are a group of naturally-occurring polysaccharides (complex sugars) that are part of the cell walls of bacteria, plants and fungi. The beta glucans in the agaricus blazei mushroom are believed to be the compounds responsible for its immune boosting effects." Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.
The news about Agaricus Blazei spread quickly and needless to say, it became and remains the "must have" daily supplement in Japan for staying healthy. (For the record, Japan ranks number one in health and longevity with the United States is ranked a mere 27 by the World Health Organization.) Now, you can find over 100 clinical studies on the mushroom.
A group of U.S. mycologists (mushroom experts) became extremely interested in the health benefits of this amazing miracle mushroom and wanted to see if they could make this mushroom even more potent. Through trial and error, they combined more than 200 different strains of other Agaricus Blazei with the authentic Brazilian Agaricus Blazei strain looking for the right combination to increase its potency. Finally, an Agaricus Blazei strain picked from a raspberry field in California was introduced to the Brazilian strain and the match turned out to be extraordinary as the potency levels tested off the charts. Known as H1X1, this new Agaricus Blazei hybrid strain has higher levels of beta glucans and is more powerful than either of its "parents." The mycologists knew they created a nutritional goldmine. So incredibly potent and so rare that the "match-making" mycologists applied for a U.S. patent, which is no easy task when dealing with nature.
The purity of H1X1 is protected by a proprietary organic crop growing process that replicates the growing conditions of the original Piedade region in Brazil. Each crop of H1X1 is tested using patented DNA fingerprinting technology to ensure that the proper make-up from each mushroom is maintained, thereby guaranteeing the authenticity and potency.
Also, H1X1 is taken through a patented 10-stage extraction process where the following occurs:
• Twice as much protein is extracted
• 10 times as much fiber and essential fatty acids is extracted
• 16 times as much beta glucan is extracted
The extract of H1X1 was compared to a popular Agaricus Blazei supplement in Japan and found to be 3,000 times more potent.
"H1X1 is an exceptional product containing beta-glucan levels that are higher than any other Agaricus blazei strain we have tested. H1X1 is your guarantee of authenticity and effectiveness; it's proof of product quality." Dr. Mark Wach, Ph.D., World's Leading Mushroom Expert
There's no question that AgariGold will cause the nutritional world to take notice of this extraordinary new health product as word continues to spread with regards to its incredible health value. This is an exceptional opportunity to make a difference in your health as well as others.
Purchase AgariGold Today
To give you a sense of what the product can do for you, I am including the following testimonials as being compiled at the web site supermushroominfo.com, noting this is merely anecdotal evidence of what may prove to be an extraordinary nutritional product.
I started using your Super mushroom product H1X1 and in 2 days despite a very heavy travel schedule I can't remember being so alert and relaxed at the same time. My cold actually disappeared while I was traveling. I was amazed when my cold vanished with people coughing all around me. I highly recommend this product for anyone who is concerned about getting sick and wanting to perform at their peak during the day. Thanks you DK, D.C.
I had some respiratory problems in December, and after traveling to Japan, it turned into full fledged Bronchitis. I could actually hear myself inhale and exhale. It got so bad that I knew I would have to take antibiotics when I returned home, as I had it that bad only one other time in my life and had to take antibiotics to get rid of it.
Fortunately I was given your Super mushroom product H1X1. I took 20 drops a day and within 3 days, my bronchitis was totally gone! I was breathing normally, and when I went home, I didn't’t even need to see the doctor. Amazing! JM
"People are shocked and surprised when they see me." The best testimonial I can give about your Super mushroom product H1X1 is the way I look compared to two months ago. I am feeling just plain great, really looking good. People are shocked and surprised when they see me. This past month my energy has risen, no longer needing to sleep in the afternoon. I am back to my regular weight. The way I feel is honestly just plain remarkable, I'm praying that this well being does not go away. My Best, Rod. Los Angeles, CA
"My cat, Maya…she would not be here today without your Super mushroom product H1X1." Erika C. San Diego, CA.
"Miracle Man of the Year" My name is Alfredo M, I’am 58 years old and today is fourteen months since I was diagnosed with a very serious immune-challenged condition in the rectum, plus another serious immune-challenged condition in the liver. Today I give thanks to your Super mushroom product H1X1 because after my faith in God this product keeps me going.
It has been two and a half months since I started back to work. I work 5 or 6 hours, and go home and I'm still active, doing things that need to be done at home. One month ago I went to Mexican Border which is a seven hour drive from my town and there was no problem. I drive everyday and I feel energetic full of life. My day starts 7:00 a.m. and ends at 10:30 p.m. I recommend this product to my friends when I have appointments with my doctor, because people ask me what I do to be in this shape, and I simply tell them about your amazing mushroom product, everyone is surprised my doctor calls me the "Miracle Man of the Year." Scientifically, I should be dead. People call me to ask me about the product and experience with your Super mushroom product. Naturally I'm very pleased with the outcome. AM. Ft. Worth, TX
"People should know about this product." Since using your Super mushroom product H1X1 liquid in my treatment with acupuncture I have seen a steady decrease in an immune-challenged mass in my left leg over the past 6 months from the size of about 2 softballs down to less than the size of 2 tennis balls. That is about 50% less! I call it “the magic mushroom!". People with serious immune-challenged conditions should definitely know about this! By Bill W, Los Angeles, CA
"Since using your dietary supplement product for approx. 7 to 8 days, I've noticed some remarkable changes!" JG Pueblo, CO.
I have a 5 year old Shih Tzu dog named Sachi, she has been diagnosed with advanced immune-challenged condition. The immune-challenged condition has spread rapidly over her body, mostly in the face, neck, and chest area and as you can imagine we are quite desperate to save her life.
I recently asked my veterinarian, Dr. Elison, if there was any other way of improving this serious immune-challenged condition besides chemo therapy, which would probably cost between $2,000 to $10,000, and with no assurance that the health problem would be cured.
Our vet then mentioned another vet was using your dietary supplement. He called it the “Super mushroom product H1X1” and was seeing some degree of success.
Well, since using your dietary supplement product for approximately 7 to 8 days, I've noticed some remarkable changes! Many of Sachi's lymph sarcoma lumps have gotten smaller and two large lumps close to golf ball size, located next to her upper front legs have nearly disappeared!
We have continuing to give her your product for about a month now and she also seems to not be as listless as she was several weeks prior. Your product appears to have restored a noticeable degree of energy and playfulness back into her! We believe your product is helping our dog recover. The battle is not over and we are not fully out of the woods yet, thank you for making your incredible product available to pet owners here in Hawaii. Mahalo, Terrance O
Supermushroom with H1X1 "From grapefruit size down to about 1.5" in diameter" My wife of 40 years suddenly passed away with a massive heart attack.
I thought this was about as bad as it could get. My son was helping me when I had a minor stroke. I was rushed to St. Francis Hospital in Wichita, KS where doctors discovered that I had cancer in my head and my left lung.
Having juvenile diabetes, losing my wife of 40 years, I really didn't need this. After being released from the hospital, my sister Karyn told me about your Super mushroom product H1X1, and I thought, what have I got to lose?
The cancer in my head was gone, and the left lung cancer had gone from about grapefruit size down to about 1.5" in diameter.
As of today, I don't feel I need anymore chemotherapy treatment, but the doctor has a different opinion. We may have a little argument. Everett H.
"I felt so good… I was able to get out and go for a walk." My name is Tony. I am a 55-year-old male living with AIDS. I have a T-cell count of 31 and a viral load of 59,000. I am on S.S.I disability.
I have very bad neuropathy which makes it difficult to work, extreme fatigue, plus numerous side effects from all the medications. I am frequently sick. One day, I heard about your Super mushroom product H1X1.
I tried it and I felt so good! I had lots of energy. I was able to get out and go for a walk and cleaned my apartment. I felt alive again. I couldn't believe how great the product improved my health and my life.
I hope also that I can share this product with others and help those who need to know about this amazing product. Thank you so much! Tony B. Los Angeles, CA
"Only the best for my girl." I have been using your Super mushroom product H1X1 since it was recommended to me by a veterinarian/professor for my own dog, Uma. She had a serious immune-challenged condition in the brain and was undergoing radiation therapy. I was told that it was the highest quality and purest form I could get. Only the best for my girl! Since it was supposed to be good for the function of T-cells, I started taking it, too and found it helped with my immune-challenged condition! Since then I have found it very helpful for chronic immune deficiency syndromes and for my clients with serious immune-challenged conditions. It is well tolerated and really seems to help, KM, DVM
"This was the most powerful immune-enhancer I could find." I was tested for prostate specific antigen on my annual test. The PSA count was 4.7 - up from 2.6 the prior year. The physician recommended trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) and 6 - sample biopsy.
I was unwilling to submit to tests, especially biopsy, due to possible side-effects and possible seeding (spreading) of cancer cells. I started on your Super mushroom product H1X1 and continued an over-the-counter prostate supplement (with multiple PHP-counteracting herbs). After a few weeks, I had another PSA test and free PSA test. My PSA dropped to 0.3, the lowest it had been in years!
The reason I tried your Supermushroom product with H1X1 was based on extensive research I conducted. I found this was the most powerful immune-enhancer I could find.
I'm not certain that I had prostate cancer, but the PSA of 4.7 plus free PSA percent of 14% put me in the 30% certain category. JC. Wooster, OH
"I was glad to use your Super mushroom product H1X1." I was really suffering from an immune-challenged condition and I had to stay in bed for two days. I started taking your Super mushroom product 3 drops in morning and 3 drops in the evening. By the 3rd day, I had more energy than usual and I was ready to start working. Furthermore, I had always terrible acne and the Acne disappeared. I was glad I used your Super mushroom product H1X1 and I could feel that it works. MM, Los Angeles, CA,
"I wish I knew about your Super mushroom product H1X1 a long time ago." I have been taking three drops of your Super mushroom product H1X1 three times daily. I was surprised how fast it worked. I was taking allergy OTC drugs as well as Kanpo medications, which I purchased from Japan. Every spring, I went thru one box of tissue daily to clean my nose. My eyes were very itchy, too. During my sleep, I used to scratch my eyes, as results, my eyelids were swollen next morning.
I noticed that I didn't have itchy eyes one day after start taking your Super mushroom product H1X1. I guess that I have a better immune system than before. I wish I had known about your amazing product long time ago, so I didn't need to suffer from those immune-challenged conditions including itchy eyes. M.O. Torrance, CA
"It is truly a miracle." We have a 6 year old Rag doll male neutered cat that was diagnosed with non-specific auto-immune condition approximately 3 years ago. Since then we have battled bouts of non-eating, vomiting, dehydration, mental incapacity, urine incompetence, hair loss and so on. He has been hospitalized twice for re-hydration and medications including predisone and appetite boosters, along with anxiety drugs as he would get very anxious and seem to "lose" his whereabouts in the house often. He is strictly an indoor cat and acted as if he were 12 years old. His obvious symptoms were the anxiety, constant mewing, very slow movement and painful movement. It would take him many seconds to lie down and you could see him contemplating if it were even worth the movement that took. Approx. 4 months ago I was trying to get up the courage to call the vet for euthanasia as his quality of life seemed so bleak. That is when I thought to research herbs. We came across your product and it is truly a miracle. "Arnold", short for Arnold Schwarten kitty, who should weigh upwards to 15 lbs and had once weighed as low as 9 lbs. (we anxiously watched the ounces come off at the vet appointments) is getting better and better every day.
After I started him on your Super mushroom product H1X1 his color pattern, so long ago faded almost to nothing, has deepened to the most vibrant colors we have ever seen for him. He is almost 12 lbs., eats voraciously, and has even started to play occasionally. I cannot begin to tell you what a miracle we have witnessed firsthand all, we believe, due to your product.
I also have an immune-challenged condition and have thought about trying your product. My disease has manifested itself as early stages of arthritis-type symptoms and macular degeneration of one eye. (abnormal growth of blood vessels surrounding the center of vision). Thank you so much. Our vet cannot believe the difference " Your Super mushroom product H1X1 supplementation has become a very important tool for me in feline practice"
I have been using your Super mushroom product H1X1 in my practice. I generally recommend this product for very serious immune-challenged patients as well as any of my feline patients with known or suspected immune-suppressive conditions or chronic infectious health problems. I have been extremely pleased with the results. I believe that I see much stronger response to chemotherapy with the use of your product, as well as improved general support of quality of life in all cases in which I have used this supplement.
I am very excited about the availability of Super mushroom product H1X1 in this potent form that is easy to dose and economical enough for my clients to use for the long periods often required in these cases. This supplementation has become a very important tool for me in feline practice and I look forward to recommending your Super mushroom product H1X1 for my patients. Sincerely, EH DVM
"I think it is fantastic." I wanted to tell you about my experience with your Super mushroom product H1X1. I think it is fantastic. I have been taking it for several months to build my immunity. I recently flew to Naples in a private plane. There were three people on the plane who were sick with a flu virus. Two or three others had been ill but had recovered after many days of being very sick and taking medication.
I have asthma and when I catch a virus I normally have to go on an antibiotic and inhalers and it normally takes me three to four weeks to recover completely. After three hours in a closed plane with sick people I might as well have had an injection of that flue virus. As was feared in a few days I began feeling the symptoms of the virus. I started doubling up on my Super mushroom product. For two days I could feel that I had something and then it literally disappeared. It was like a miracle. I have never recovered from the flu so fast and I did not go into the usual asthma attack. This is a wonderful product. I wanted to share this with you. LL Naples, FL
The following are Frequently Asked Questions Regarding AgariGold with H1X1:
Q: Why is Waiora's new product called AgariGold?
A: The product is called AgariGold because it contains an exclusive extract from a family of mushrooms called Agaricus Blazei. The mushroom and our patented hybrid form, IH1X1 is so nutrient dense and powerful that it sets the gold standard among all medicinal mushrooms.
Q: What is so special about the H1X1 hybrid mushroom used in AgariGold and how is it different from other mushrooms on the market?
A: H1X1 is a patent-pending superior hybrid mushroom. It's a hybrid of the original Piedade Agaricus Blazei mushroom, which can no longer be found in nature that was bred with another rare and powerful Agaricus mushroom that was accidently discovered in a raspberry field in the mountainous region of coastal California. The resulting HIM hybrid is the most powerful Agaricus Blazei mushroom in the world-with higher beta¬glucan levels and nutrient content than either of its parents or other medicinal mushrooms. The H1X1 mushroom is so unique that each crop is tested using DNA fingerprinting to ensure the product's efficacy.
The potency of H1X1 is also protected by a patented, organic growing process that replicates the growing conditions of the original Piedade region and ensures a consistent environment with each yield, including soil conditions, temperature and watering.
The H1X1's strain so unique and powerful that spores are locked in hidden, underground vaults in the U.S. and in Europe-and accessed only for DNA identification. Waiora now has the miracle Agaricus Blazei H1X1 hybrid mushroom in our groundbreaking product, AgariGold with HIXI.
Q: What is the history of Agaricus Blazei? How was it discovered?
A: In a small mountain town in the rainforest area surrounding Sao Paulo, natives of this Brazilian region known as Piedade, lived long and healthy lives-rarely suffering from common illnesses and degenerative diseases. In the 1970s, researchers from the U.S. and Japan discovered that it was the consumption of a special kind of wild mushroom that was responsible for their good health and longevity. This species of mushroom is known as Agaricus Blazei. But, it wasn't just any Agaricus Blazei mushroom. This special kind of wild mushroom, untouched by urbanization, harvested from lush, virgin rainforest soil, produced health miracles not seen in Agaricus Blazei mushrooms grown in other areas of Brazil or anywhere else in the world. In fact, the Piedade natives referred to their locally grown Agaricus Blazei as, "the king of mushrooms" or "the mushroom of life."
Q: When and how do I take the product?
A: You can take AgariGold with H1X1 any time of the day, but it's recommended to take 5-7 drops once a day.
Q: Why is the liquid brown?
A: The liquid formula in AgariGold with HIXI is brown as a result of the 10-stage extraction process that yields all of the key nutrients from both H1X1 and the second active ingredient, Sasa Bamboo leaf extract.
Q: What does it taste like?
A: AgariGold with HIXI has a mild, sweet flavor and reminds people of the taste of almonds or molasses.
Q: Does it have to be taken straight or can it be dropped into other liquids or foods?
A: AgariGold with HIX1 can be taken straight or put into food or your drink.
Q: How many drops should I take? Can I take too much?
A: It's recommended to take 5-7 drops daily. The product is non-toxic and you will not be adversely affected by taking more. Anecdotal evidence suggests that 15-20 drops taken twice daily has therapeutic benefits. We suggest you contact a health professional who has experience with medicinal mushrooms for information on therapeutic uses.
Q: Can children under the age of two take AgariGold with H1X1?
A: No. AgariGold with HIXI is not recommended for children under two.
Q: Can pregnant or nursing mothers take AgariGold with HIM
A: While the product is safe and all natural, we recommend that pregnant or nursing mothers should consult with their physician before taking AgariGold with HIXI.
Q: Can someone with an auto immune condition take AgariGold with H1X1?
A: We would recommend that someone with a compromised auto immune function consult with their physician before taking AgariGold with HIXI.
Q: What's the significance of the DNA fingerprint and how is it done?
A: The breeding process that resulted in the H1X1 strain took years to develop. Each crop is tested using DNA fingerprinting technology to guarantee the properties of each new crop have not mutated and to ensure the product's potency.
Q: Where do I go for related ingredient research on the strain of mushroom used in the AgariGold with H1X1?
A: General information on Agaricus mushrooms can be found on the internet. A specific HIX1 minisite with product research is in development.
Q: What's so special about the substrate the mushrooms are grown in?
A: The process for growing H1X1 replicates the conditions of the original Piedade region and ensures a consistent growing environment. The substrate is a proprietary blend of the most natural soil-nourishing ingredients, is free of toxins, herbicides, and insecticides, and is closely monitored to ensure no fluctuation in the air temperature, humidity and/or water profile.
Q: How long does it take to produce the mushrooms used in AgariGold with
A: The growing period is two weeks from spore to mushroom.
Q: Approximately how many drops are in each bottle?
A: There are approximately 200 drops in each bottle of AgariGold with H1X1.
Q: Should any special care be taken from heat or exposure to light with AgariGold with H1X1?
A: No. The product is not sensitive to heat or light, however we do recommend that you keep the product at room temperature.
Q: What's the nutritional profile of Waiora's AgariGold with H1X1?
A: AgariGold has two active ingredients-the H1X1 hybrid Agaricus mushroom extract and the Sasa Bamboo leaf extract. AgariGold is power-packed with active nutrients including 18 amino acids - including all eight essential for life; 14 essential minerals; 46 enzymes; vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5; ergosterol; biotin; inositol; choline; and, essential fatty acids.
Q: What's the significance of the bamboo that has been included as part of the proprietary blend?
A: The Sasa Bamboo leaf extract is from the northern Haikido islands of Japan. It has been used in Japan as a traditional medicine for hundreds of years. It is an exotic, very rare, powerful antioxidant. Sasa Bamboo is so strong that for many centuries the Sasa Bamboo leaf was used to wrap and preserve sushi for several days without refrigeration.
Q: What makes the extraction process unique?
A: Unlike a typical 3-stage extraction process used for many natural products, AgariGold with HIX1 goes through a patented10-stage extraction process ensuring that every nutrient is captured - more than 100 - out of each mushroom, helping make it the gold standard for potency and purity.
Q: Is AgariGold with H1X1 all natural?
A: AgariGold with HIXI is an all natural product. It is a blend of these three ingredients: H1X1 extract, Sasa Bamboo leaf extract and purified mountain spring water.
Q: Is AgariGold with H1X1 organic?
A: The HIM hybrid mushroom in AgariGold with HIXI is USDA and JAS certified organic.
Q: What if any preservatives have been added?
A: No preservatives have been added to AgariGold with HlX1. The Sasa Bamboo leaf extract acts as AgariGold's natural preservative.
Q: Can I take AgariGold with H1X1 with other Waiora products?
A: For maximum benefit, it is suggested to combine Waiora products into your health and wellness regimen.
Q: Can I take AgariGold with HIXI if I am currently taking any prescription medications?
A: As a nutritional product, AgariGold with HIX1 has no known adverse food-drug interaction. However, it is a good practice to consult with your doctor before taking nutritional supplements.
Q: Is AgariGold with H1X1 safe to be used on animals? If so, what is the recommended dose?
A: AgariGold with HIX1 is safe to use on animals. Start with 3-9 drops daily. May step up to 15 drops three times a day.
Q: Is AgariGold with HIXI safe to apply topically?
A: AgariGold with HIXI is safe to use topically.
Q: Can I take AgariGold with H1X1 with Natural Cellular Defense?
A: Absolutely. Natural Cellular Defense and AgariGold with H1X1 are complementary products. They have different mechanisms of action and, combined, provide a powerful daily regimen for health and wellness.
Q: What are the FDA allowable health benefits?
• Promotes overall health and well-being.
• Plays a role in immune system modulation.
• Supports Natural Killer (NK) Cell activity.
• Nourishes the digestive system.
• Supports a healthy cardiovascular system.
• Supports normal blood sugar levels.
• Protects against free radical damage.
• Promotes energy.
Q: Are there clinical studies on HIX1?
A: These studies will be available at the time of product launch.
Q: What is the shelf life of the product?
A: The shelf life of AgariGold with HIXI is two years.
Q: Is this product exclusive to Waiora?
A: Yes, Waiora has negotiated an exclusive product license for the global direct selling market with the manufacturer of AgariGold with HIXI.
Q: Will AgariGold with H1X1 be sold in Waiora's other open markets?
A: Yes, as soon as the product has been registered.
Q: What is beta-glucan? What is its significance?
A: Beta-glucan is a unique compound derived from the cell walls of yeast. It triggers an immune response in the body creating a system of defense against viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic or neoplastic invaders. Beta-glucan also has potent antioxidant and free radical scavenging capabilities.
Q: What are NK Cells?
A: Natural Killer (NK) cells are cells that contain granules filled with potent chemicals. 'They are called "natural" killers because they do not need to recognize a specific antigen before swinging into action. They target tumor cells and protect against a wide variety of infectious microbes.
Q: Does this stimulate the immune systems? Is this dangerous?
A: AgariGold with HIXI modulates the immune system. Essentially this means that it helps to ensure your immune systems, stays balanced. There will be periods where your immune system is challenged and your levels are higher or lower than they should be, in which case the H1X1 will step in and help to bring the levels back into balance.
Q: What is AgariGold with HIXI's mechanism of action?
A: The most exciting story about AgariGold with HIXI is its mechanism of action. Simply put, H1X1 uses powerful ingredients within the blend like beta-glucans, arabinoxylan, lingnin and ergosterol to protect your cells. The beta-glucans, arabinoxylan and lingnin help upregulate cytokines (cellular messengers within your immune system) to help your cells fight off intruders. This trio also serves an antimutagenic purpose¬helping you reduce your risk if you have a predisposition to a genetic mutation. As an added element of protection, the ergosterol functions as an angigenisis-helping to slow the growth and development of unhealthy cells.
Q: I heard that mushrooms are high in heavy metals is that true of the mushrooms used in AgariGold with H1X1?
A: As mushrooms grow, they tend to absorb elements from the environment-air, water and soil. So you need to be very careful when eating or using mushrooms. The HIM featured in AgariGold is grown in a special facility in which all of the environmental factors are controlled. An organic substrate has been created to grow the mushrooms in and filtered water is used to hydrate them to ensure there are no harmful metals or toxins present. And since the growing environment is contained, it is not necessary to use any harmful pesticides, herbicides or insecticides to protect the mushrooms from predators.
For more information or to purchase product, please continue here.