Monday, July 6, 2009
Washington, D.C.- Celebrity Dr. Leonard Horowitz says President Obama's health care reformers are acting like drug pushers, vaccine junkies, and population controllers, neglecting alternatives that Americans really want, including low-to-no-cost solutions to common health problems, with many cures immediately available online for free.
Citing "pharmaceutical prostitution" on Capitol Hill, and "blind, deaf, and mute" governors neglecting available remedies to urgencies brought on by population intoxication and corporate-controlled media deceptions, the public health and natural healing expert has launched a video website along with an international campaign featuring a dozen YouTube programs to promote alternatives to mass murder in medicine, technically called "iatrogenocide."
"Americans have already paid with their tears and voted with their dollars for alternative health care reform," Dr. Horowitz says, citing substantial science proving families spend more out-of-pocket dollars for natural, alternative, and complementary care than they do for medical doctors visits. Beyond this, he cites statistics showing the leading causes of death in the United States are all linked to drugs or vaccinations, and their side effects.
"Now that every family has sustained tragic injuries, witnessed medical murders of their mothers and fathers, and suffered toxic poisonings of gifted children, people are waking up and dropping out of this sick system," Dr. Horowitz observes.
The doctor is convinced that 70 million people without health insurance are safer, and probably healthier, than those covered by insurance served by medical doctors, hospitals, and long term care facilities he calls "concentration camps." Here, toxic chemicals and deadly drugs, reminiscent of the experimental poisonings advanced by Nazis, are exclusively prescribed, he explains.
Indicting Obama's administration for "gross criminal neglect" of alternative and complementary healing practices, and a deadly fixation on vaccinations and medical intoxication for corporate controlled depopulation, he says everyone needs to take personal responsibility for prevention through vaccine risk awareness, drug risk avoidance, and generally healthier living.
Booming growth in the alternative and complementary care industries has ignited grass roots actions advancing legislation to free practitioners and health product manufacturers from stifling regulations imposed by federal officials on behalf of pharmaceutical interests. In New Mexico, for instance, the "Unlicensed Health Care Practice Act," started July 1, 2009, frees alternative healers, equipment manufacturers, and nutritional supplement providers to practice responsibly. This increases access to quality care, promotes prevention, and in many cases early diagnosis and treatment of life threatening conditions.
"Vested interests are trying to maintain public ignorance," Dr. Horowitz wrote for Drug companies despise their competitors--alternative and complementary health care practitioners. That is why Codex Alimentarius is being advanced to kill all competition and block people's access to natural healing methods and materials. Big Pharma can't claim natural and safe effective solutions to improving health, patient satisfaction, employee benefits, corporate savings through reduced absenteeism, better morale in workplaces, and growing employment and economic development in many communities. These are the benefits of alternative and complementary care exclusively."
Dr. Horowitz's new website provides many links to natural healing information and free online resources, including YouTube videos, audios, and articles for saving lives. Featured here is s new video titled "Health Care Reform Fraud," that responsible adults will want to watch and share with others.
Washington, D.C.- Celebrity Dr. Leonard Horowitz says President Obama's health care reformers are acting like drug pushers, vaccine junkies, and population controllers, neglecting alternatives that Americans really want, including low-to-no-cost solutions to common health problems, with many cures immediately available online for free.
Citing "pharmaceutical prostitution" on Capitol Hill, and "blind, deaf, and mute" governors neglecting available remedies to urgencies brought on by population intoxication and corporate-controlled media deceptions, the public health and natural healing expert has launched a video website along with an international campaign featuring a dozen YouTube programs to promote alternatives to mass murder in medicine, technically called "iatrogenocide."
"Americans have already paid with their tears and voted with their dollars for alternative health care reform," Dr. Horowitz says, citing substantial science proving families spend more out-of-pocket dollars for natural, alternative, and complementary care than they do for medical doctors visits. Beyond this, he cites statistics showing the leading causes of death in the United States are all linked to drugs or vaccinations, and their side effects.
"Now that every family has sustained tragic injuries, witnessed medical murders of their mothers and fathers, and suffered toxic poisonings of gifted children, people are waking up and dropping out of this sick system," Dr. Horowitz observes.
The doctor is convinced that 70 million people without health insurance are safer, and probably healthier, than those covered by insurance served by medical doctors, hospitals, and long term care facilities he calls "concentration camps." Here, toxic chemicals and deadly drugs, reminiscent of the experimental poisonings advanced by Nazis, are exclusively prescribed, he explains.
Indicting Obama's administration for "gross criminal neglect" of alternative and complementary healing practices, and a deadly fixation on vaccinations and medical intoxication for corporate controlled depopulation, he says everyone needs to take personal responsibility for prevention through vaccine risk awareness, drug risk avoidance, and generally healthier living.
Booming growth in the alternative and complementary care industries has ignited grass roots actions advancing legislation to free practitioners and health product manufacturers from stifling regulations imposed by federal officials on behalf of pharmaceutical interests. In New Mexico, for instance, the "Unlicensed Health Care Practice Act," started July 1, 2009, frees alternative healers, equipment manufacturers, and nutritional supplement providers to practice responsibly. This increases access to quality care, promotes prevention, and in many cases early diagnosis and treatment of life threatening conditions.
"Vested interests are trying to maintain public ignorance," Dr. Horowitz wrote for Drug companies despise their competitors--alternative and complementary health care practitioners. That is why Codex Alimentarius is being advanced to kill all competition and block people's access to natural healing methods and materials. Big Pharma can't claim natural and safe effective solutions to improving health, patient satisfaction, employee benefits, corporate savings through reduced absenteeism, better morale in workplaces, and growing employment and economic development in many communities. These are the benefits of alternative and complementary care exclusively."
Dr. Horowitz's new website provides many links to natural healing information and free online resources, including YouTube videos, audios, and articles for saving lives. Featured here is s new video titled "Health Care Reform Fraud," that responsible adults will want to watch and share with others.