Saturday, August 1, 2009


Dr. Eisenstein's Comments:

I have offered vaccine choice to over 20,000 families. This has led to my practice( that has virtually no asthma, allergy, diabetes, or autism.

The idea of giving any vaccine to pregnant women is overt malpractice and borders on criminal intent. Flu vaccines have never worked in any age group. There is limited or no data on the safety and effectiveness of the swine flu vaccine especially with the new untested adjuvants(formulated compounds, which when combined with vaccine antigens intensify the body's immune response). Let us not be like sheep being taken to be slaughtered.

Give the right to make medical decisions back to the Patients and their Doctors! The notion of mandating an unsubstantiated injection with no clear evidence of efficacy is outrageous.

Vaccine choice is what it is all about. An informed and aware public both physically and intellectually is what is best for us.

To become better informed please go to Medical Voices Vaccine Information Center. We need Big Pharma and Big Government to stay out of our lives.

Become active in the battle against swine flu vaccine. Go to and get your community tool box.

My recommendations:

1. Stay as far away from this swine flu vaccine experiment as possible. Flu vaccines have never worked.

2. Maintain adequate levels of Vitamin D and Probiotics.

3. Death from flu usually comes from a secondary pneumonia not from the flu itself. You must stay away from all over the counter and prescription Acid Reducing Pharmaceuticals Tums®, Rolaids®, Zantac®, Tagamet®, or the more dangerous, PPIs [Proton Pump Inhibitors] (Nexium®, Prevacid®, Prilosec®, Protonics®, etc..

4. And of course have lots of chicken soup available.